Today I’ve had some thoughts about the whole “redpill” world re women and how it has a danger of becoming destructive.

My wife’s got a very marriageable friend. Early 20s, fit and cute. Undamaged virgin. She’s having a really hard time finding non-autistic men to date.
On her last date the dude straight up talked about Hitler for half an hour. This is a girl who tolerates racism etc, knows about the Turner diaries. These retards still find a way to fuck it up.

The dude also made fun of her for being a virgin. “Guys won’t like that.”
We try to help her out by giving her info to a connected friend in this sphere. He’s 40 something and married, but talks like one of the Tait brothers.

“Like how hot we talkin”
“Don’t care if she’s smart”
Reminds me of the Sam Hyde scene where he says “you don’t want a redpilled gf, you want to date a guy with aspergers”

Can you guys be fucking normal
He also gave her a hard time for having a Masters degree “hehe shoulda got a MRS degree amirite”

You guys need to distinguish between careerist harpies and talented girls who *want* to get married early but need a job and get more schooling.
She’s friends with this National Socialist fatso who also talks like a Tait brother, bringing nothing of value to a future relationship, but expecting a supermodel wife. I blame porn for this mostly.

Guys are trying to ape “alpha” behavior I guess.
@lit65539723 said a while back that anything that pits the sexes together and makes healthy relationships more difficult should be discarded. In my objective observation this girl would be a great wife and mother, but men are playing these games and torturing innocent girls.
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