On #poverty, health care and disabled people in Australia.

42% of adults with disability rate their health as poor or fair, compared with 7.0% without disability.
2/ Working-age people with disability (10%) are twice as likely as those without disability (4.6%) to be unemployed.

32% of adults with disability experience high/very high psychological distress, compared with 8.0% without disability.
3/ 1 in 4 (24%) who see a general practitioner (GP) wait longer than they feel is acceptable to get an appointment

3 in 10 (29%) wait 1 or more days after making an appointment to see a GP for urgent medical care
4/ 7 in 10 (70%) who have been on a public dental waiting list wait 1 month to more than 1 year for dental care

1 in 13 (7.6%) who need to see a GP delay or do not go because of the cost

1 in 22 (4.6%) who need to see a medical specialist do not go mainly because of the cost
5/ 3 in 10 (28%) who need to see a dental professional delay or do not go because of the cost

1 in 28 (3.6%) who need to go to hospital delay or do not go because of the cost
6/ 1 in 5 (21%) who see 3 or more health professionals for the same health condition report issues caused by lack of communication among them

1 in 29 (3.5%) experience disability discrimination from health staff (GP, nurse or hospital staff)
7/ 1 in 8 (12%) have difficulty accessing medical facilities (GP, dentist or hospital)

1 in 5 (18%) who need help with health‐care activities have their need only partly met or not met at all
8/ 38% of households which included a disabled person had a low income ($593 or below per week) vs 18% non disabled people.

For disabled individuals with low income ($383 or less per week) it was 38% vs 27% non disabled people.
9/ Disadvantage isn’t made up. And poverty should be a pressing issue in this country, because poverty causes death and awful outcomes of all kinds.


This is real.

Try living it. We must fight against disadvantage and poverty for disabled Australians.
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