Been disconcerting seeing people in the heart of empire - US, UK, Israel - celebrate coming post-vaccination world at very time in which people in Delhi and Gaza are begging for oxygen. All the more so since the two realities are not separate but are fundamentally intertwined.
Have seen even critical observers in the West restrict their commentary to this being a failure of the Indian state. Yes, Indian state has much to be accountable for, but the real responsibility for this unfolding tragedy lies with US capitalist state and its vaccine imperialism
In its subservience to profit taking interests of Pharma capital, US state first actively worked to destroy the WHO's global public vaccine initiative. Then, along with other Western states, it rejected efforts by India & South Africa to have patents on vaccines waived at WTO
As Westerners spent the past year in Sinophobic paranoia about so-called Chinese vaccine diplomacy, there was no reflection on the coming horrific consequences of having US monopoly capitalism assume global control over vaccine development
The orientalist villification of WHO as a pawn of Chinese despotism in the early days of the pandemic had the function of obscuring how at this very moment US state in alliance with pharma capital was consigning the non-Western world to prolonged vulnerability to the pandemic
Even now, as their junior partner in their silly Sinophobic quad alliance experiences absolute catastrophe, they refuse to relent on defending the murderous monopoly of Pharma capital. Which state is the real threat to inclusive world order?
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