I find something fundamentally flawed with people who occupy moral high ground about helping someone affected by covid, it's the bare minimum job and if someone isn't able to, they shouldn't be guilt tripped either. All of us have a lot going on, running on different capacities.
You're able to rt resources? Good. Shut your mouth and keep at it. But guilting someone for it? Not cool. You don't know wtf is going on in a stranger's life at this time, so it's really not a good idea to take the liberty to reply to strangers' shitposts, guilting them about it.
Our bare minimum behaviour in a time of national crisis when many lives are lost every minute is not just to amplify resources but also be kind to, and hold space and honour the space of those who can't. YOU. DON'T. KNOW. WHAT. SOMEONE. MIGHT. BE. DEALING. WITH. RIGHT. NOW.
So do the decent thing and don't expect everything around you to be a huge monolith of your personal experience or capacity. This is a gentle reminder. Be humble. As humble and kind as you can be.
Which is not to forget that people who are actually rt-ing for nothing except personal satisfaction (not for clout) are doing the work of god. I see you and I honour you. You're literally saving lives. And that's all that matters.

And if someone is doing it for clout, be better.
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