And the fact that the maker is mutuals with Shaun King on dailykos. The platform that got her the initial leftist platform for hashtagactivism.
And the fact her cousin is on the mmiw task force in st paul and the implications there.
And the fact if u google my handle and the term "sueyite"( which one of her cult made up to push anti Asian misogyny against the activist suey parks and doxxed her off the internet ) you can still see receipts of when her and her followers harrased me as a young college student
Because I wanted my intellectual labor credited for the notyourmascot movement (which I only confronted her cuz one of my aunties in media pushed me too. Because all kinds of ntv media figurehead got beef with her too but are too scared to call her out publicly.
Its easier for public industry natives to turn their cheek at Ndns being harrased on twitter and doxxed as long as they aren't targets.
I need ppl to understand these are the patterns shes shown for literal YEARS. It didn't jusy start with this pretendian list.
In fact a bunch of my non Native moots have her blocked from when she went after me and they defended the integrity of my work since they infact helped me into organizing and writing spaces. They recognized she was trouble from the jump and blocked .
But first some reason tons of Natives condone her behavior on the basis that they got biases about "pretendians" so they want her to do that emotional labor of denouncing others so they can benefit while pretending she's just the mean one.
And they can continue doing their whisper networks and asking young Natives to bulldog so they then become targets and risk doxxing their own career opportunities out of existance.
I personally left native media (lastrealindians) after getting doxxed by an account who fabricated a suicide note (the same tactic of keeler followers leveraging suicide ideation of Ntv youth ) so I suspect its related. But either way I don't like how Ntv operates.
Ppl like myself were harased years before deaddoglake. Native twitter uses that as a memory benchmark because it was right after she gained tons of followers for am argument with cher.
I point this out not only because it would be nice to have all my labor and sacrifices acknowledged in trying to make this space safer but also so ppl dan recognize that none of this behavior from keeler is new.
If yall truly want this space to be safer for disconnected and unenrolled Ntvs, and away from internalized misogyny then u have to stop allowing keeler to thrive with lateral violence.
See time stamps. That sueyite slander blog goes all the way back to like 2014. And the only reason she stopped publicly harrasing me (i speculate she still been at it all these years on alt accounts) is cuz elders of her relatives told her to stop bullying young ppl (myself)
Since then she's upped the chaos with this list and even has tried to drag elders into her agenda to police plls identities. Yall need to recognize how this is ongoing harm of same patterns.
In any other situation with restorative justice, even without terrible punitive with consequences it would take recognition of when toxic patterns reflect something that needs healed within an individual.
The way that Native platforms obsess over representation politics is toxic. U have unhealed ppl all over trying to present themselves as healers or representative of the collective. Unhealed ppl can't heal ppl. If there's anything I want taken away from this thread its that fact.
Natives who do things like weaponize suicide ideation, weaponize kinship roles like being a mother to evade accountability, orchestrate pile ons, ect. Are not healed.
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