Notice that post modernists are view power as the soul arbiter of the world? This is why those types can't understand and rationally fear groups like christians and concepts like brotherhood, because despite their theorizing, they can't account for loyalty and the arcane.
They're obsessed with the idea of relationships being all based on power, because quite simply of two things:

A, they desire power
B, they're lonely and don't know how to integrate themselves with broader society.

You could argue the first post-modernist thinker was De Sade.
De Sade viewed relationships as power grabs, interactions between different groups and people. He had an almost objectivist view of the world, in that people had the sole responsibility to themselves and their pleasure and that pursuing that regardless of the cost was true virtue
Of course, unlike Objectivism/Randianism, De Sade viewed violence as completely valid and virtuous, whereas the Rand types viewed it as horrible.

Nature in De Sade is also the sole arbiter of goodness. Religion is false and meant to make people weaker.
This is interesting because although De Sade views religion as inherently irrational and making one weaker, he holds a humanistic and almost religious reverence for brutal natural law. Might Makes Right essentially.
I should also note that De Sade is much more influential than people think. According to 'Pedia, he influenced post modern thinkers like Michel Foucault (Perhaps not so coincidentally, both figures were pedophiles and sodomites,) Max Stirner, Camille Paglia, and Sigmund Freud.
Of course not all those people are post modernists, but they're not exactly known for being traditionally oriented.

Sade also influenced the likes of Nietzsche and Yukio Mishima, according to 'pedia as well.
My current hypothesis is post-modernism is an expression of a society's Jungian Shadow. Urges and repressed desires influencing society because they weren't confronted and integrated successfully or fully. You could even view Spandrell's Bioleninism as an extension of this.
This ties back to the hatred of religion and brotherhood, and the obsession with power really well. The Shadow hates these things because, in part, it forces it to exist and yet prevents it from doing anything. These urges need a constructive, healthy outlet, or they fester.
Remember years ago with how people were encouraged to do impromptu talk therapy? Talk about your feelings and experiences? This could be a way the soul of society was trying to self correct, or the Shadow to peak out. The issue is that the Shadow, for some, can't be integrated.
This is also why post-modern/wokism people cry about individualism but paradoxically act and look and think the same. The society was trying to individuate, to figure out what it was, but had no outlet and no real answers. So the worst aspects of man took over, the Shadow.
Wokists have one interesting line that's stuck with me. 'What culture? Whites/Americans/Euros/etc have no culture!'

Well, they're not right, but not entirely wrong. What serious culture output have these places had since the 90s? No real notable painters or authors really.
Theres a few here and there sure, but not many. Culture has been slowly being ground away bit by bit, declining religiosity is just one example. Less community participation

The con types say 'Oh, THIS is western culture' in reference to some well known book or political notion.
But this is the wrong answer to the wrong question. The question isn't 'What culture,' the question is 'Where has our culture gone?'

This is why exotiphilia is getting common. Some is natural curiosity, but it's also because other cultures are seen as having more culture to them
It's an attempt to reignite the spark so to speak. But this is probably just a bandaid for a broken leg.

To survive, the wrong answer is 'look to the past/rEtVrN tO tRaDiTiOn,' the right answer is continue the timeline. Don't break the chain. Don't dwell in the past, continue it
Dwelling in the past is what trauma victims do, it's why they can't progress forwards. Nietzsche has this idea called 'Amor Fati,' which means 'Love your fate.'

In other words, integrate your past what happened into yourself, and continue forwards. Remember but don't obsess.
The obsession with returning to tradition is societal traumatic reflex towards violence and degeneration of the society. Its in the right direction, but lost is still lost

This is why the cons drift left in part. They're severed from their history as well, albeit to less degree.
Don't return to the past. You can't, and wasting time on it only makes your present reality worse. Seek to honor its memory by continuing it and adapting it to the future.

Jordan Peterson is only radical by today's standards because he's doing this to an extent.
The desire by post modernists to destroy the past is because they dont understand loyalty and the transcendent. It's powerful, but doesn't follow their dissection of relationships.

They want power. They are rootless and ruthless. And they expect you to be as well.
Post modernists understand the transcendent as being powerful, but can't come to grips with it being beyond total comprehension or even the idea of it being benevolent.

This is also why they love the aesthetic of satan. Satan is powerful and within their reach. Low hanging fruit
Post-modernists, aided by psychology (Literally the study of the soul, so a secular theologian in a way,) already believe humanity is perfect, we need to just cut away the bad bits. Because they desire power, this must mean that the desire for excellence and hard work is a flaw.
Scientology is essentially psychiatric cult. They have a term for this hypothetical state called 'Clear' wherein the person has purged all unwanted memories, emotions and traumas. Of course psychologists would probably never say this but they aspire to make people 'clear' as well
This leads to ideas on the surface don't make any sense at all, but upon exploration make sense internally. Power, self overcoming, individuation is the goal, but they don't know how. So they take bits and pieces from the society they hate and try to make a new version.
By trying to self-actualize themselves without any serious rocks, they flail and latch onto the most basic things and ideas around them, however real they are. They want to ascend to greatness, but without aid, they mistake sideways and down with up. They see things, not people.
Loyalty and religion, these are things that are lie at the crossroads of rationality and irrationality. They're powerful, human based, and clearly important and have logic inside them, but not entirely rational. And if it's not their breed of rational, it must be irrational.
And since they're irrational, they must be based on powerlust, emotion, instinct, or some other thing that must be removed to attain a Clear person and society. So what must we do? Destroy the family of course! Fuck police! Screw friendships and love and relationships!
They see the the colors of the painting but not the painting itself. They see meaning, and feel it, but don't understand it, they don't have the tools, nobody is around to tell them how to integrate these semirational drives into a supposedly reasonable being.
They don't have to start culture from scratch, but they don't have much of one to start with. Wearing the rags in the winter doesn't make you much better off than before, but it does a little bit.

Humans can't be understood or treated in purely rational ways.
These are humans that believe themselves to be more human than anyone else, because they are clearly reasonable and their ideas are self evident, at least to them. This is why debates with them go nowhere. Why would you bother debating if the sun exists with a sun denier?
You can't drag up arguments from people from 100 years ago to win them over because they hate the past, desire authenticity and to become themselves. You are not only irrational, you are old fashioned, which makes you worse.

Don't dwell in history, continue and live in it.
This is why the cons are impotent. The past is their identity. To dare integrate new ideas, to update their portfolio is blasphemy! And that is why they will die.

The wokists don't have much culture, but theyre making one nontheless. And a shitty one is stronger than none at all
Bap, Peterson, etc are working to make a continue ordinary culture in some ways by giving meaning, a sense of direction, and a lot of weapons in their arsenal, ranging from Plato to Evola to Marx. They arent old they aren't wholly irrational, and aren't even totally old fashioned
They don't fit in the wokist paradigm cleanly. They terrify the cons because they resemble themselves before they were traumatized and severed from their past. Why do you think they're considered 'dangerous?'
The desire by post moderns for power also leads to understanding why they're fine with forcible medical treatment, corporatocracy, and their own slavery.

It makes themselves feel powerful. This is their society, this is their place, and they have no concept of it otherwise
The only concept they have is what they consider to be barbarism. They are enlightened pioneers and settlers in a vast world filled with backwards, unenlightened barbarians thinking cthulhuan thoughts and saying horrible things, meanwhile they, the 'Awokened,' serve the crown.
I'm starting to repeat myself, so I'm going to stop.

Stop mucking about in the past. Fucking continue it. That might mean reading marx or some new age book to see what they're all about. Form a rival narrative. Never let your enemies gain a territory without a cost.
/end of thread.
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