It's the 2 year anniversary of the day Suzanne Simms & Jack Galloway from Ramsey Solutions met w/my husband, Nathan. Nathan had the courage & integrity to tell them he didn't trust how they were handling the situation w/Chris Hogan. Nathan had to leave his job because of it.
We lost income, job security, and some relationships. In the first team meeting at Ramsey Solutions after Nathan resigned, Dave talked about people who had recently left as believing lies and lacking a back bone. They were "rats" leaving a ship with no sign of water.
A month after sharing that post, my husband received a threatening, bullying letter from the general counsel to the Lampo Group/ Ramsey Solutions. We weren't the only ones bullied that day. To say it was traumatic would be an understatement.
Nathan had not signed an NDA. We didn't have any trade secrets from the company that he was sharing. The only thing we had done was share the story of what we observed and what how they responded.
A lawyer we talked to said this was the equivalent of a mob boss saying, "Nice bike you have there. It would be a pitty if something were to happen to it."
While we were receiving that email from the general counsel, many of the digital development team members were called into meetings in which we were maligned & misrepresented to our remaining friends there. They defended Hogan again. Said we were trying to harm their income.
And, as if that weren't enough, the CTO from Ramsey Solutions also set up a meeting with my husband's new employer to malign Nathan and send the message that Ramsey was willing to do whatever they could to stop us from speaking.
7 months later, Nathan and I decided we were willing to risk whatever might come from speaking the truth. I went on the record with @bobsmietana and I reposted our story that I had initially taken down out of fear.
In March of this year(2021) after a lawsuit filing made it clear the truth about Hogan was coming out, Hogan was fired? let go? asked to resign? I'm not sure. The timing is fascinating. I'm guessing RS is arguing this is due to "BRAND NEW INFORMATION" (h/t to Phoebe from Friends)
I'm not sure what the future holds for RS. We are confident that speaking the truth at this time was what we were supposed to do. We've learned that bullies like to operate in the dark and once you bring things to the light, it takes away a lot of their power.
God has provided for us, allowed us to encourage others, and helped us to discern the difference between following men and women that say they represent Jesus and actually following Jesus. Jesus is better.
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