Anyone else notice the pushback Black folks get when we ask where our legislation is or when complain about not receiving priority/crisis legislation like other racial groups.

Folks love to say the Biden-Harris Administration have only been in office only X # of days. 1/4
But it didn't stop them for addressing other groups. Some groups didn't even ask for shit and got legislation and $$ to go with it.

Black folks, despite all this country knows about its intentional disenfranchisement of us and divestment in our communities, are told to wait. 2/4
Everyone tells Black people to get to the back of the line and be okay with it.

Our own people do it too. Just wait they say. Hell no, we ain't gotta wait. If folks who came AFTER us don't have to wait, we don't either.

We are America's favorite sidepieces and booty calls. 3/4
At what point do we be real and admit we've been duped by Democrats? When are we going to admit Black people in high places are White folks' tokens to make us feel like we're making progress? Why are we ashamed to advocate for US?

America is anti-Black and likes it that way.
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