If the penultimate episode exemplified the best elements of the show, the finale definitely highlights the worst, i.e jumbled messaging and poorly staged action. Still, the core of what its attempting is stated outright and I appreciate the effort.
Today all the black online socialists will bury the show, then tomorrow we'll move on to the next piece of entertainment featuring black people funded by corporations that dont care about us, the saga continues.
***SPOILER*** which shouldn't be a spoiler because its ripped straight out of the comics. Captain America is reborn. His super power is the belief that America can be better. I guess thats "copaganda". I dont know what to tell you; Wakanda isnt real either, but the dream is.
Noticed how we saw Falcon murder two helicopters worth of dudes in ep1 but in ep6 he's doing Pacifist Jiujitsu which is just hilarious.

But it also reminds me that Steve Rogers has *hundreds* of bodies on that shield and has put countless dudes in traction with his bare hands
Moving on, forgetting all the mixed up messaging, maybe the biggest let down for me is how The Mouse continues to waste the talents of Erin Kellyman
One more thing: I'm seeing really weird takes about Sam's final speech. He essentially forces world leaders to govern properly, but people are taking that as capitalist propaganda?? A world without governing bodies is a bigger fantasy than Wakanda or thunder gods, sorry.
Sam doesn't say "go vote" or "call your senator" or "stop rioting" or any stupid shit like that people are making up. He says "yall better fix this shit because if you dont, the next group of people who believe in this cause -that I also believe in- will kill me then you"
Maaaaaaan......Let me write this BLACK FALCON CAPTAIN AMERICA 4 movie, wont be no misunderstandings or confusions about what the fuck I'm trying to say https://twitter.com/THR/status/1385694538606563330?s=20
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