I need your help to mass report this account if you have time. She was stealing @/twst_01 Gojo art, had the audacity to put HER OWN WATERMARK (the creator didn’t put watermark) and blatantly lying saying that SHE MADE THAT ART, and then TRY TO SELL IT to fellow Indonesians. https://twitter.com/nadyaela1207/status/1375663016121749508
She posted this on march 27 and despite being ratioed and got warnings from the artist themself to put it down, she still hasn’t put the post down.
Not only lying about the art, she used to say she came from this quite famous Uni in Indonesia. Someone checked if she’s actually studying in the said university, and her name was nowhere to be found in the database of that uni.
She then deleted the uni name on her profile after she got called out.
She only made an apology statement and clarification today for the art she stole, probably because a lot of people wanted refund from other stuff that she sold (figure, acrylics, etc).
...but I personally found it to be insincere because she hasn’t even took down the post of the art she stole.
This is not the only art she stole, you can check out this thread (It’s in Indonesian though) for more info and compilation https://twitter.com/jeagver/status/1385193822632644608
Aku cuma ga mau sampai ada oomfs yang ketipu beli barang di akun ini padahal adminnya bohong kanan kiri dan curi art sambil ngaku-ngaku itu dia yang bikin. Thank you
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