Anger towards God is a real thing. Although some people don't want to acknowledge it. Here's a little thread that may help someone going through this.
The one thing that made it easy for me to target my anger towards God or rather the first time I felt that way was after I lost my son. I felt that way because I had always prayed for his protection.
There are various reasons why people get mad at God, for example the death of a parent, illness in the family, or even sudden death of someone you love, being diagnosed with a chronic illness, or suddenly becoming handicapped.
When you are in this predicament it is important to understand the emotion you are feeling, in this case anger. What is anger? Anger is a human emotional response to situations that are either out of our control or out of our ability to understand, or both.
It is also important to understand why you are mad at God, for me it was, firstly not getting what I prayed for. I was so angry that I prayed for 1 thing then got a completely opposite response.
Secondly I was angry because I felt unloved by God, because if God loved me so much, why would he permit something so terrible to happen to me, and that thought made me angry. I also felt that maybe it was a punishment for my sins but I felt it was an unfair one....
After acknowledging these things give yourself time to feel and process. I remember during the time I went through it, and my mum would say let's pray and I'd say in my heart to God "I'm not speaking to you". And indeed we didn't speak to each other for about a year 🤣
About a year later, my mentor who kinda knew what was going on with me gave me a call to meet up with her, when I did, she told me how she had been praying for me. She did 3 closet prayer sessions for me and in those sessions she was inspired to share 3 things with me
1. Trust
God was asking me to trust him. The actual words were "she has to learn to trust me more" the key word being trust. I have since embarked on that journey of understanding trust and what it means to trust. It has given me a lot of peace about so many things.
2. The scripture of Job & his friends, & when she shared this with me I was like 🙄🙄 yea yea I know that story. But she said no listen God directed me in a strange way, he said you are more like the friends of Job not Job himself, I was shocked because it didn't make sense to me
Then she said, Job's friends traveled so far just to sit with him & they did that for days, sitting not saying a word. But present, letting Job process what he was going through, but in silence still being there for him.
She said you are that way with the people in your life, always present even in silence, and part of the reason you are angry is because you didn't get that from the people you expected to get that from so now you are throwing that tantrum to God
Now this was a shocker to me because I had never before that moment said it out loud to anyone that I was actually mad a God. So for her to say that to me was something worth noting.....and after some soul searching I did admit that she was right, my anger was being misdirected
3. The last thing she was instructed to share with me is the story of the Potter in the Bible, and she said to me God breaks and remoulds his pieces until they become perfect for him, and remember breaking and remoulding are painful processes.
You needed to be broken for him to be able to remould you again to his perfection and because he knows you so well he knew the only thing that would break you to your core is taking your son..........that was heavy to hear but for some reason it made sense to me.
In my anger, I was still brought to submission to God's will and plan. His will and not mine. And since then it has been a journey of healing and reconciliation between God and I. It has been a journey and a half but looking back I see the remoulding.
Now, we all get angry at God for different reasons and we all deal with anger differently, but acknowledge your anger, process it and the reasons of your anger......and listen. God speaks to us in different ways and sometimes in the most unexpected ways so listen...
Wait on his voice, he is loving enough to reach out to you even while you are still upset. Wait and listen and it will all make may still feel a little upset but it will make sense and over time you will heal.
This will not reasonate with everyone, but it will for some. Take it if it does and for those that find it doesn't reasonate, let it fly.

I hope this helps someone going through anger towards God.
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