WOW, another tweet? What is wrong with this #dude, How am I supposed to know im learning this as I go and now you are getting to see the entire process, maybe there’s an underlying truth that can be learned from this? Hmmmm? Oh Yeah- Kevin from the... if you dont know...
Where Kevin is from how are you still living and Breathing? Breathing, BREATHING, stop thinking about your breathing you casual. Anyway Here is another hope I’m having for the future. Imma be in star wars, maybe not with my face in it, but imma be IN star wars in some way or...
Form, sorry @Disney you don’t like me? How harsh. Anyway now that I have your attention There needs to be a “Trooper: A star wars story” movie at some point in the not so distant future. I wanna be that Storm Trooper, I want to be a Trooper that is a soldier, a soldier that has..
Been living his life believing that the Empire is Just, that the Empire will grant him purpose in the Galaxy. Imma be a sexy mf with all the makeup n sh*t (shot). I’m going to go through immense loss, and by the end of this movie, I’m going to rise up stronger than ever before...
I just might be. A jedi

You have every right to have just witnessed the complete destruction of your mind Disney Execs, Jon Faverau, Dave Filoni. If that wasnt enough imma stream what star wars means to me and what a true character means to a fan. No not a fan, im more than...
That, I’m already a part of it, I’m a part of #starwars whether you want me to or not. Because everyone is a part of starwars. Because starwars isnt real, it is REAL. You are a part of starwars (yes you reading this) im sure you’re thinking “what have I just stumbled upon going..
Through Twitter, which is supposed to be meant for old people?” (lmao Im just kidding old people are cooler than you might believe). Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, that spot in that movie Disney is now forced to make will be mine (dudes im sorry if you can’t see the...
truth im just being sarcastically optimistic because now im being noticed and if I can get this spot in the future and people want to see me get this spot in the future, you might have no other choice, sorry.) why did i parenthesis that whole thing? Idk i dont care. Back to...
You #disney, am i being entertaining? Yes no? Well someone is reading this rn and I’m talking directly to you, one on one, forget about the vast Internet that will eat all this up faster than you can say “Friday with PREWWWdiepie” ok? You might need to reread some of this to...
Properly understand what is happening to you. You are beginning to feel uncomfortable, maybe even the slightest urge to stop reading, but at this point you cannot stop reading, for this thread is written music, a type of music that will eventually reach the ears of everyone...
And if you choose your next moves carefully, you just might be a part of that music. Sorry for making you read all this (im jot sorry im gonna become a Trooper in that movie idea you might think you’ve forgotten about whether you think you have a choice or not). *laughs in pure..
Evil* alright ive said enough for now. Lets take things slow producers, executives, lets come up with some sort of contract, some sort of agreement. And maybe you wouldnt want me to work with you (with not for sorry pfft) and if you dont want me to work with you, I’ll do it...
Myself *puts on massive glove and wipes out half the population* Ill write my own script and create a new movie production company. (Whoah is this guy becoming a threat?) maybe, probably not, i wouldnt want to be. But I will film it, act it, write it, produce it, and complete...
It with or without your help, i would love your help, because I’m lazy and 19, i dont care. And this is where the manipulation technique stops and your mind is somewhat free from my grasp.

Was that cool or what? If you read that properly that should be cool, if not, the read...
Everything again, over and over until you see how amazing I am. (Wow who is this narcissistic arrogant young piece of sh*t) ill tell you who I am, im a kid that is the same as every other kid who loves starwars in the world. I want to be a bigger part of it, ill do it for them...
And myself, ill have fun, i will enjoy it, and maybe you can have fun with me as we discover what kind of revolution I’ve begun (maybe revolution isnt the best word choice, eh nvm dont care) as we both discover how to make people TRULY happy, by making people love themselves...
For who THEY ARE, love yourself and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise. Maybe I’ll do this with @markiplier too, idk, but as the internet takes this in wothout knowing what to do, the possibilities for the future are becoming clearer and clearer.

Ok im done, was that a...
Good sales pitch? I never even considered the money aspect to this holy crap, obviously if i want to do this i’ll need to make big mulah lol. But ive written too much already, all you need to do is finish this, take a deep breath, think about these possibilities and consider.
{yes i thought about the money aspect, i just kinda forgot about it when I wrote this beautiful song for you}
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