Paths to Awareness, A Battle with ideas-My Philosophy~2
1. Nature of Reality

The answer to this question lies in understanding that your senses are deceptive. How?

Take a coin and place it in front of your eye, such that it covers the sun.
You see it covers the sun perfectly. Has it actually covered the SUN itself ? This clearly demonstrates that our senses are deceptive

Therefore, one might argue that it is impossible to understand the true nature of anything, and I don't have a definitive answer for this. But...
Should we stop our pursuit of understanding the nature of reality? Hell NO!

Trying to understand what we cannot comprehend is what elevates our experience, And that alone itself is worth it

Even if we don't discover what we intended to
2. Consciousness

According to me, consciousness is not a product of your mind/body. It exists independently.

Mind and body act as client(like a web browser), through which you can access it, even though the code is present in Server(outside of your observation)
Your experience of reality stops when the server says "Time out, connection lost". After timeout, your body is just a bag of flesh and bones.
3. Existence

Modern man is deeply embedded in the sleep of ignorance.

The dream state in which he is enjoying/ even struggling with is far from what he was born to achieve.
Only your work can transcend your experience, and the quality determines whether you are able to discover yourself or not.
I would go on to argue that in modernity, only your work that you leave behind defines you.

At the peak of your success, you define who you are.
To explain myself better, imagine yourself sitting in a car and driving to top of hill.

When you haven't reached the peak, the beam from the headlight just illuminates the path in front of you

And that is a limited experience/perception, but...
But, when you reach the top of the hill, the beam from your headlight shines to eternity/infinity.

Nobody can't stop it from doing so. That's where you realize why you were chosen.

And that alone defines your existence and being.
Thank you for reading. I deeply appreciate. I wanted to write so much more, but character limit stops me from doing so.

I hope my personal Philosophy Enlightens some of the aspects with which you struggle.

Thank you
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