One of the thing I like in zombie fiction is when zombies pay no attention to damage they receive trying to get to their prey. Tearing themselves up trying to squeeze through things, heedlessly mauling themselves in their hunger
Few things are better than a zombie reaching through a broken window and squirming facefirst through the glass shards to get at its prey, not even noticing the damage being done to it.
Whatever the zombie does once it gets through, is never as cool as seeing it fuck itself up in pursuit of prey.
This is the *one* thing zombies can do that wild animals or angry people can't. Every other scene you could replace em with grizzly bears or angry people, except these ones.
A similar trope is when zombies casually walk out of high windows or off cliffs, shattering themselves below in their pursuit.
It's way more alien and unnatural behaviour than whatever they do when they catch a person (where they can be replaced with a grizzly bear with no issue)
The lack of self-preservation, or risk assessment, shown in these bits is what showcases the zombies. More so than anything else the zombies do.
Now consider zombies in video games, where this *never* happens. Even in cutscenes. Every video game zombie, ever, can be replaced by a grizzly bear with no problem.
Video game zombies lack entirely that key part of zombie behaviour: the willingness to flense themselves trying to get to prey.
No matter the zombie design, you never see one shoving its head through a hole in a door then tearing the shit out of its neck on the splintered wood as it flails.
No matter how impressive the graphics, you never see one act like that. Doing the one thing a zombie can do that a grizzly bear can't.
Given how vital this is to zombies, how it is the *only* thing differentiating them from grizzly bears or angry people, arguably:

There has not yet been a zombie video game.
Every video game zombie is just a reskinned grizzly bear. You could mod em and the game would not change at all.
No video game has ever actually shown zombies doing the one thing only they can do.
Which resident evil game shows a zombie squirming through a doggie door, shattering and degloving itself as it wiggles through the tight gap
Which open world zombie crafting game features a single zombie trying to squeeze through a gap in a fence and disemboweling itself in the process
This, the most basic thing zombies can do, the *only* thing they do that grizzly bears can't, is entirely missing.

No zombie games have been made yet.
What's funny is that one game *does* do this. There is exactly one game that features zombies.

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Zombies will fuck themselves up and can die trying to crawl over metal wreckage to get to you, or through shattered windows
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