In a recent event organized by progressive activists here I went from one activist to another and presented my proposal for the grand country wide campaign for housing food clothing for all. And one of them said something striking: "yes comrade. But we don't get into these ...
... general theoretical matters. We are just here for hanging out with each other and do some activism for workers and students." I was not taken aback that this could be said by one of those people who are for systemic change. I am already aware of the rigidity of activists.
You see, one of the things i am trying to do is push the progressive activists to spell out their actual position which they don't usually spell out but feel absolutely.

Let me now add that progressive activists are the actual people who have brought systemic change in ...
... modern society. The legislators, gov officials, juries, corporations, institutions are just here to maintain status quo. The role of progressive activists is not visible anymore because they are not active for the past fifty years. But if you know modern society you ...
... you become aware that only progressive activists have brought about systemic change. I won't go into the history of progressive radicalism in this thread.

Now let's go back to the response from that activist. I draw a parallel between their response with the response ...
... from a priest in ancient society. You see, in ancient society priests had the same role that progressive activists have in modern society. It is the religious leaders and priests - not kings, slave owners, tribal leaders - who brought about systemic change in ancient society.
Just as that activist said to me that "comrade, we don't get into general theoretical matters. We are only here for hanging out and doing some activism for workers and students" a priest in ancient period would have said "my child, we don't get into general divine matters, we ...
... we are only here for praying and some preaching to people about religious rituals."

But we know that ancient society changed fundamentally and transformed into medieval society when priests took upon themselves to delve into general religious matters and started bringing ...
... people closer to religious beliefs and practices. Priests are responsible for transformation of ancient society into medieval society. They delved into the fundamentals of religious faith, implemented religious reforms and fully shaped society into religious mould.
So, i am aware of the rigidity of progressive activists. I know why they are and why they are the way they are. So I'll keep pushing them to spell out their actual position and condition until they systemically transform modern society.
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