At the age of 15, I started to doubt if I still deserve to live. I’m scared of becoming a failure, scared that the people around me are backstabbing me. I felt I was all alone even if I have friends and family who cherish me a lot. No one new about my pain, for I chose to hide it
I concealed everything from them. I tried to open up about what I’ve been going through but I got judged. That moment I really felt I’m all alone. I tried to end everything. I started saying farewell, but everything changed all of a sudden. I managed to hide it for 4 more years.
Until now, only my parents new all about it for they caught me hurting myself. That’s the only chance they got to know.
If you choose to hide it from anyone even your friends and family, no one will ever know about it. So, you cannot judge their bonds only by this.
My friends don’t have to know everything about me. They have their own lives, they have their own problems and secrets whom they don’t want to be known by anyone. Despite of that, our friendship and faith to one another doesn’t change at all.
What I’m doing right now might sound so ironic, to what I’ve tweeted earlier, but I’m trying to give another point of view of what this thread is talking about. I don’t know if this will totally make you understand the situation. But I hope you’ll get something from it.
You can follow @qrjmelo.
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