
Episode 7, no context

...So Darkling is a slur, then?

I have also heard the name Aleksander.

I thought the scene everyone was carrying on about was going to involve Aleks stabbing Alina with the antler collar, but it looks like she already has it...

This show is really, really determined to crush my love for Volcel Darkling, but it will not succeed. I will never relent.

I suppose this was what they meant by using DitW...

Excuse me, did they just invent the story of how the Fold was created?

I liked it better when it was just "an experiment of The Black Heretic"... 🙃
#sab https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385507774956593152?s=20

"...The only thing more powerful than you or me...The two of us. Together."

The famous Darklina promo line is from the collar scene. Of course they used it in the scene where we're supposed to hate him.


David was the celebrant.


He's talking to Mal, you fucking clowns.

"...Conspiring with the Apparat to poison the king and usurp the throne?"

Uh? Did they take away Genya's poisoning subplot?

Ok, the big bad scary episode didn't work, I still ship it and I still think they should make up and then the dark wizard should be allowed to win and make Ravka safe.

I'm actually kind disappointed; I had a whole thread drafted based on him stabbing her with the antler.

I can't believe HOW MUCH of the Darklina promo was from THIS episode.

Going back to Episode 1 now, to watch it the proper way.


"When I was young, I was afraid of the dark. When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place, and it's full of monsters."

The opening narration is one half of a Darklina parallel, I approve.

I like how the opening shot focuses on the Ravkan flag...

...and then Alina's narration and the first conversation we cut to informs us that she is half-Shu and suffers racist abuse from her colleagues. They do seem to have put a lot of effort in to emphasis the excessive wartime patriotism.

"The Fold ate your parents."

I wondered about this. In the books they never specified how Mal and Alina's parents died, but in one of the magazines it said Mal's parents were killed in the Fold.

So they have decided to put the blame for all the orphans on the Darkling.


I am impressed with the opening, this is WAY better than the book prologue, and I'm pleasantly surprised they chose to focus on Alina rather than making this scene all about Mal as well.

I choose to believe that even as a child, Alina fixates on the map and lovingly touches the Fold because she feels mysteriously drawn to it.
#sab Spoke too soon lol, the very next lines are about Mal 🙃

Now it's flashback time.

"...I'll cut you!" She's holding a knife, but this is obvious foreshadowing for when Alina will learn to use the Cut.

I like how the Fold on the map is subtly shown in the background behind Alina.

Having watched Episode 7 out of order, I think this is setting up another parallel scene with Aleks, but I'll have to watch 7 again to be sure (I was skipping through the first time).

Wow, they're really emphasising the arrogance of the Grisha a lot more than in the books.

I wonder if we're supposed to be less sympathetic towards the Darkling's motivation to protect them because of that?
#sab I'm now up to the Alina and Mal scene that was shown in the preview, and yes, it's directly after the fight club scene. https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385384062257274882?s=20

Mal and Alina's rules:

1. Don't cry in public. (Hide your emotional breakdown for when you're alone).

2. Always carry a weapon on you.

3. We don't find out.

So obviously Alina and/or Mal will have scenes where the first 2 rules are called back to, I'll be waiting.

The third one bizarrely reminds me of Luke's "third lesson" in TLJ. Hopefully we will find out what it is this time... 💀💀💀

If nothing else, I can always say the show has great visual design (when you can see it through the darkness).

I like how you can see the double-eagle on all the soldier's hats in this scene, which further presses the point.


I pretty much ignored the Crows bit this morning, but is Kaz's "She isn't like you. No one is," supposed to mirror Darklina's "there are no others like us", somehow, or is it just coincidence?

I don't think the context is really the same; in the Episode 7 scenes Aleks is always about "us, you and me, together," etc, whereas there's distance and separation between Kaz and Inej, although like Aleks, Kaz does value her skills...

Something to think about for later.

This painting of the bright, golden, sunset sky over the Fold is brilliant.

Am I not supposed to see this as beautiful?

It's so frustrating how they can do things like this, but still insist that the Darkness is wholly evil and must be destroyed.
#sab Urk, I just had a horrible thought.

I hope they're not going to use Aleks' fancy wardrobe upgrade in the show to try to parallel Darklina and Kanej (dapper, authoritative white man with hidden trauma paired with POC girl whom he takes away from unwilling employment)




#sab How fucking dare they throw Alina AND Zoya under a bus to make fucking Mal look better.

Where is Ruby? Is she here?

(Yes, I still remember Ruby).
#sab Now Mal is talking about his parents being dead in the Fold. So, Alina and Mal destroying the Fold together is going to be the metaphor for them overcoming their childhood trauma and getting catharsis for the memories of their dead parents, thus transitioning to adulthood.
#sab The Black General

That's another title to add to the list đŸ„ł

These two are the Biggs and Wedge of the Grishaverse.

"He's a Grisha, not a miracle-worker."

Am I supposed to take this seriously? It's still supposed to be a big secret that the Saints are Grisha, is it? I can't tell anymore. I wasn't surprised by that "twist" in the first place, I thought it was obvious...

I like how they introduce the Darkling's carriage by focusing on an unlit lamp. That's such a neat, subtle detail, I wonder if we will only see it lit once Alina is inside...?

Is this shot supposed to remind me of Lily and Snape, or is this some kind of standard shot I'm not aware of?

Not a good comparison...
#sab Time for this thread. At least she wasn't aware her whole unit would be forced to go, but still, it makes me so sad that she's so panicked about being separated from Mal, and I already know the narrative is going to endorse that later. 😱 https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385152595115741185?s=20

(Who needs the red string?)

I can't believe it blew right past him and he didn't even slightly turn his head to glance at it.



Based on the way the camera focused on Mal and Alina's clasped hands (I'm not screenshotting that, lol), I assume that was supposed to be a "clue" that he's an amplifier...?

The Fold looks different in every shot. Always sexy, though.

Out of all the characters, Alexei wasn't the one I expected to get more story, lol.

Two week time jump?

This is not pleasant.

(Was there a shot like this in TRoS? I honestly can't remember).




The reviews talked a lot about how disjointed the two plotlines were; I like the way they established the connection in the first episode, so I wonder how it's going to go downhill from here...

I probably won't talk about the Dregs much, but I love that last shot where they're shocked and looking at Alexei's dead body. It communicated really well that they *are* vulnerable and afraid and realising they might be in over their heads, which is something I'm

so happy was included, even though the characters have been aged up (and this is the more light-hearted plotline?). I hope we keep seeing that vulnerability.


Filling in plot holes, are we? Might as well...

> The reason for Alina's suppression of her powers has been changed

> Mal is the one with the injured hand

> They both miss the test because they run away, so it isn't discovered that they are Grisha/amplifier


I love this shot so much - the way Alina is framed in sunlight, the way she's crossing the threshold into the dark tent, but she brings some of the light with her. There's such a sharp contrast between the rays of light and dark it looks like stripes. Balance.

The sunbeams shining from behind Alina that cast a barrier of light on the floor between them...

The way he's surrounded by wisps of smoke like shadows as he turns...

I have brightness turned up to 100 just so I can see what I'm looking at, and my eyes will be bleeding by the end of this, but it's SO WORTH IT.

I know we already saw this in promo, but I've been saving it all up.

It's genius that there's this barrier of light between them, and he's the one to cross over it - he's now invaded her territory, so to speak.

(The way he mimicked her little head shake was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I wonder if that was improv).


We all agree that this is a symbolic sexual penetration scene, right? With added subtext of "virgin blood". It's a more intimate repetition of the barrier of light crossing we just saw a few shots ago (it's frustrating that they stuck Mal in the middle of it).

This is also blatantly a gom jabbar reference.

Leigh has said in interviews that she's a big Dune fan, and I'm sure Eric is as well. I've no doubt this is something they cooked up between them.

In Dune, the gom jabbar (a poisoned needle set into a thimble) is used by the nobility and the Bene Gesserit (space nuns/super-spies/other) to test a person's self-control and mastery of their instincts. Passing the test is required for one to be inducted into their order,

as passing this test is required for Alina to join the Grisha order.

...The Heartrender from the previous episode wasn't actually Nina, right? I don't know yet...

Anyway, I find it interesting that they chose to focus on a ring in that scene, where she comforts Alexei to draw out his secret, and again here, where we know Alina...

...feels reassured by the Darkling, as he's drawing out her secret power.


They made her powers look so wonderful in every scene 😭

"Little bird"

It's great how she's surrounded by paintings and stained-glass images of birds (which is to say, perfectly captive, tame and beautiful, but requiring no care)

Stuffed birds would have been too obvious, I feel.

The little birdcage she has suspended from her bodice is amazing; what's even more amazing is that the camera never lingers on it. You can barely even see it. If there had been a close-up, that would have pushed it over into obnoxious.

The carriage scene is fine, I guess. I'm still holding out hope for that lamp to be lit.

I missed this exchange, I like it better than the script lines 🙁


Wow, how did I not think until now about how Helnik's story will be so much more powerful after witnessing this battle scene where Grisha are being slaughtered by Druskelle?

Let's cut to them next, PLEASE!
#sab https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385563231536615427?s=20


Wow, that's so cool!

This is so anime, what the fuck

One of my personal Grishaverse struggles has been trying to dissociate the Darkling's Cut from Vergil's Judgement Cut, and THIS IS NOT HELPING.


TFA energy.

I chuckled at how the camera goes all fuzzy and swoony while she's looking up at the Darkling. What a heroic rescue.


Why is this ringing so many bells in my head?

Normally it's the lady who gives the knight her token...

Is this a reference to something I'm forgetting?

(Also I wanna know what the horse is looking at, lol. And I'm mad at him, he shouldn't leave his reins hanging like that, that is DANGEROUS).

Horses on TV are always the worst immersion-ruiners :(

"You are not alone."


It's such a simple line, but after TLJ it will never feel the same again.

I am suss.

So after the Darkling says to Alina "You are not alone," we cut back to Mal, who accuses the other soldier "You left her alone with one man?" as if he's her chaperone or something. He's the general of the army, it's allowed.

tbh watching The Manly Men cockfight over the protagonist does nothing for me, and it usually makes me mad at both of them, and the writer. They're still doing this in Ep7, I hope the show punishes them for this and doesn't try to play it as desirable.

This scene in Ep2 where Mal tells the officer they should go to rescue Alina is framed exactly the same as the Ep1 scene where Alina volunteers to go on the skiff so she can be with Mal.

That's very sweet.

I did not get my Os Alta/Labyrinth shot :(

I really thought we'd get a long, sweeping shot of the gardens and palace at least, there was so much description of their approach in the book. https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1371036333003534338?s=20

Rule number one.

This is some outstanding acting; definitely the most powerful scene so far. Bravo, Jessie.


Rule number two.

I really, really hope that they decide to trust the audience's intelligence and let these little call-backs stay silent.

Mal's friends talk him out of going to "rescue" Alina

"And when our closest friend is in trouble, we do foolish things."

Cut to Kaz, paying for Inej's indenture.

FINALLY, a good transition!

I still refuse to screencap Malina.

These lying side by side scenes are only going to get more painful, aren't they?

I hope even the new viewers are dragging them mercilessly for this.




This sequence is definitely the funniest part yet.

Can you see me rolling my eyes at how Genya flawlessly heals the ring (Darkling) cut, but Alina won't let her the palm (Mal) scar?

(Remember in the book, this was healed in the coach, but there was still a scar).

Alina đŸ€ Heroines having their symbolic scars magically removed so the writer can pretend their experience didn't matter and they are still "pure" đŸ€ Rey

Living sunshine ☀

I don't want this scene to end, it feels so safe and peaceful.

I don't want the Men to come back and ruin everything.


Is she still going to meet Matty in the same way?

I want that scene where she sees him as though he's a saint.

(Isn't that in a forest? I don't really remember, I only read SoC once).

It really is unbelievable how completely perfect Kit is as Jesper. He effortlessly steals the show in all his scenes. He's magnificent.

This is so funny HeLp

I'm glad they're not even pretending it's practical. I'll laugh if she trips over something.

This looks SO GOOD (again!)

This also looked SO GOOD...until they decided to do close-ups. 😭

Jessie and Daisy's scenes are so wonderful, I can't believe Daisy didn't get any promo until THIS MORNING. She was robbed, and so were we.

This is so unfair. Not a saintly introduction at all ; _ ;

I already agree with that reviewer who said Calahan was "criminally underused".

Even in this first scene where he's almost totally silent, he's SO GOOD at showing the inner conflict on his face.

Beautiful shot of the moon, just because.

(I think this is the first time we've seen the moon?)

This business of tallying on your arm every time you cross the Fold is an eDgY but interesting detail.

They could have done something here with Alina, since she gets the scar from the Darkling right after her first Fold crossing, but Genya wiped it away...smh

Sooo....are they gonna do anything with the fact that Botkin is Shu, and Alina is half-Shu now, or nah?

Alina challenging Zoya in her first lesson is one of the biggest changes yet, I wasn't expecting that!

...They have cut all my favourite Darkling scenes, haven't they?

We already lost the camp scene, now we have skipped the scene after Alina's first day when he calls her to his office just to ask how her day was 😱 https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385339319162859521?s=20

Let's just stay here, I'm too sad to go on for a while...

Yay! The Apparat is here! He's more kindly than creepy...for now. I wonder how he'll change.


At least one of my demands has been met.


I hope we get proper scans of all these props.


Not me being distracted by props while the Apparat is info-dumping Very Important Information

This is good; it would have been silly if they gave it that cover irl and then didn't use it.

I still choose to believe this design is not a coincidence.


Is it just me, or are there hardly any location-establishing shots in this show? There's hardly any travel time either, we just zip around instantly from one location to the next.

I'm starting to understand why some of the reviewers were having so much trouble following this. In the book, there's extended explanations about how everything works, e.g. what amplifiers are and what they do, and Alina studies in the library and goes to lessons.

In the show, I can't even keep track of how long it's been, but it feels like Alina's been here for...two days, maybe? We haven't even had a meal scene, yet! But she's already arguing with Baghra about amplifiers as if she knows what she's talking about.


The art department continues to deliver.






What on earth is going on

They cut out my beloved camp scene with the Black Heretic story and replaced it with this


I don't completely hate this on principle. I like the design of the fountain, and I like having Alina tell the story as if it's a legend she already knows, but...just...why...

"...Only as a reminder of the problem. They always need someone to blame."

He's even more of a troll in this version, that's sort of funny.

I still miss book Helnik.

One of the things I liked most about their story was the way the true nature of their relationship wasn't revealed until the Hellgate scene. But all that effectiveness is lost in the show by having it shown chronologically.

In the book, you feel so invested in Matty's fate because Nina is, so when you get to Hellgate and he thinks she's his enemy, it's crushing.

But in the show so far, for non-readers, there's not really much at all to be invested in, because we've hardly seen him or Nina.

geez it's so confusing the way they keep going back to this flashback and showing a little bit more each time. It's really not that important. Well, it shouldn't be.

So, it was the same as in the book, after all? https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385544735691927557?s=20

"How many more Ravkan children need to be orphaned to this war because you are afraid to face the truth?"

You tell her, Baghra! Queen 👑

Alina, stop moping over Mal.

Oh, it's the robe scene...in the war room...

Since Episode 5 is supposed to be *the* Darklina episode, does that mean they're only going to have maybe 2 hours worth of relationship development, total?

I see, they're stripped down so they feel vulnerable in this scene where they talk about feelings...

Finally, a scene where I don't have to look at all those buckles.

...what are those shadows doing? 👀👀👀

so suspenseful

if he keeps talking about how sad and lonely he is, I will cry

"I have been fighting this war alone for so long..."

Is it Alina's turn to say, "you're not alone" now?


This is too much https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385571292506583043?s=20

Wait wait wait, so the episode where she finally gets over Mal (because she convinces herself he doesn't care) and decides that she doesn't *need* anyone but herself is the one right before she gets together with the Bad Man who she wants, but who will Betray Her?

...thus sending her back into the arms of the Good Man again, whom she needed after all?

Could this Tale get any more Cautionary? ☠


...Are they...are they actually trying to make Alina look worse because she gives up on Mal and tries to move on with someone else, while he stays relentlessly loyal??

THANK YOU, DAVID for your brief appearance, you were wonderfully awkward.

Every scene with these two makes me beam uncontrollably 😊

Alina didn't like the glove either, lol https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1384448340578869250?s=20

I think the reason I love the Genya and Alina scenes so much is because they seem to be the only times when Alina is allowed to feel and do things for HERSELF and not because of some Man.
She's so unburdened and mischievous; she never looks like this in any other scenes.

I wish we had gotten to watch this whole performance; I've said before I really like the religious elements in the books (and the contrast between folk religion and structured) and there wasn't nearly enough of that.

They're obviously trying to be pointed here by having the dancer be white and blonde, to align with what the audience (irl and in-universe) would presumably expect the Sun Summoner to look like.

Why am I getting so attached to Fedyor? I did not expect that to happen.

He's doing a great job.

Yes, I saw the Darklina kiss, it was very cute but I'll have to deal with that later because I'm having horse trouble again.

How do Percherons exist in a world where the country of France, and the province of Perche, does not exist?

Tell me how, Jesper, I want to know.

Wait Fedyor and Ivan are actually gay? That definitely wasn't in the books, was it?

We just used to joke that Ivan was gay for the Darkling...

I'm beginning to get the picture of what the 🌾🌾🌾 clue was about.

It's almost 3am here and I really don't feel like watching this dick-measuring contest between Darkles and Mal any longer, so I'm going to go to bed, and I'll rewatch this one from the start tomorrow.

EPISODE 5, second attempt.

Disclaimer: I am currently in less-than-perfect health, so I may be less tolerant of these Men and their shit than I normally would.

Alina doesn't like the blue beetle eyeshadow.

It would have been cute if in a later scene she had used the blue irises instead...

"Mal always talked about retiring to a farm...But I never really liked farms."

Obligatory donkey wife.

If at the end of this show she's in the country, instead of visiting the Ketterdam library or whatever she wants to do, I cannot be held responsible for my actions.

"I want you to be careful...[of] powerful men."

In my first Ep7 watch, I asked if they did away with Genya poisoning the King; in the book version of this conversation Genya tells Alina the King abuses her, but here in the show, David comes in, so maybe

some of Genya's scenes have been cut to save time.

The fact that they choose to bring in David here changes the context of the line - David is not a "powerful man", especially in relation to the Darkling.

So is what we're supposed to take away from this in the show that David has power over Genya because she loves him, and that makes him potentially dangerous?

All love involves risk, because you have to make yourself vulnerable to love another person.

I don't think that "danger" is the main thing we should be focusing on in this coming-of-age story, though.

Love saves, love heals, love makes the world better, not more dangerous.

This is the most Cautionary line, and it's even worse here in the show.

I suppose what Genya is referring to here is the fact that the Darkling has ordered her to interfere with the letters, therefore he is being abusive, but there's no way for Alina to know that, or reason for her to interpret it that way.

The addition of the Darkling/Mal scenes really push the idea that Mal is "better" than the Darkling by virtue of his low status (unranked peasant soldier with no magical powers...yet), but the fact is that the Darkling is the one with the ability and position

to make real changes to the state of the world, right now, and Alina wants to help him do that.

This is circling around to Leigh's "ambition is evil" narrative again.

I question the reasoning behind putting the Darklina kisses and Jesper's "hook-up" in the same episode. Was that for content rating purposes, or am I supposed to draw some connection between the two?

I love this scene so much.

You can't really see what she's doing with the lights, but when she brings her hands together and looks at the Darkling, it seems as though she's strengthening the bond of power between the two spheres, before they explode brilliantly.

To say I'm lukewarm about the Dregs (other than Helnik) would be over-generous, but this made me feel things.

Fuck, I'm laughing, how am I supposed to take this seriously now?

Last night, I was appreciating how cunning this was. How else is he supposed to find out what she likes, ask Genya?

What is a lovestruck but romantically inept ancient wizard supposed to do, I ask you?

This is possibly a reference to a SoC quote, as well, so I am more than half convinced that this MOST DISGUSTING MOMENT was also Leigh's doing, somehow.

I don't think this series will ever get anywhere near RoW, but even so they had better not try and pull out "You never really saw me [happy]" or anything like that.

Not sure if unpopular opinion, but this is the only show ever where I really like the lens flare effects. It's about light, after all.

Not sure why they chose blue irises specifically, but I like that it's a dark flower with a golden centre.
Blue and gold is the colour of Alina's kefta (most of the time).
And "iris" means "rainbow", and Alina's light powers are rainbow coloured.

In this essay I will explain how this scene symbolises that Alina loves her powers the most, more than these Men fighting over her, actually --

The Dorian Gray clue has been decoded.

...Why did they feel this was necessary? Is this supposed to be "proof", so that Alina doesn't just believe Baghra too easily, as she does in the book?

As if symbolically identical ancestors aren't a common thing in fantasy anyway.

"He's had centuries to master lying to naive girls. Did he tell you how lonely he was? Give you a glimpse of the wounded boy?"

are you fucking kidding me

i have never been so fucking insulted by a tv show in my entire life

I can actually hear Leigh Bardugo talking directly through the screen, with the voices of a thousand tumblr wokists as her chorus. She should have had this scene as her cameo.

I need to take a rage-break.

"Without me, there's just her, standing alone. She is all that matters now, not me. She is the future."

Where is the lie? Am I supposed to see him as "evil" now that we've had the reveal? I can't tell... https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1383606447762665473?s=20

When the "villain" stans the heroine more than the author and the showrunner combined...😭


đŸ˜± He raised his voice for the first time!

And Nina was sent to spy on the Conductor. I approve.

I saw someone else complain about this, and I agree, there's a more complicated (and arguably more interesting) political/military/religious plot that

could have been made out of this series, but it's always lurking just out of sight, and the main characters are never fully involved or aware of what's going on. The one in the thick of it is the Darkling, but because he's the "villain" we're not supposed to support him...

...and we don't get enough of those "talky" political scenes with him.

It's impossible for me to regard him as the "villain" because he's trying to win a war, when he's the fucking General of the army.

The story wants me to be appalled by his extremism, but no viable

alternatives are ever proposed, and the idea of an ancient, powerful protector who will stop at nothing for the sake of his people is too compelling to hate.

They've taken "hero of his own story" too far for him to be viable as the "evil villain" they want him to be.

My baby is so clever


I will never forgive whoever decided to give the other three more screentime than them.

I'm still clowning myself into believing that Matty has a chance to survive (if the show gets renewed).

So, the Darkling and Zoya confirmed not to have been just a one-sided thing, then.

There was nothing wrong with this when it was open to interpretation, but this show doesn't know the meaning of "subtle".


I love them đŸ’™â€ïž

It's so rude that immediately after this scene, I am being forced to sit through Malina bickering.

No joy without pain.

The letter-writing should have been cut out, not expanded. Those scenes where Alina sits in her gorgeous bedroom and writes to Mal about how lonely and miserable she is are the very definition of telling, not showing.

It's like they realised that Helnik is the most perfect thing Leigh ever wrote, and nothing at all in the story or the dialogue needed to be changed.

How could anyone hate this?

I was dreading the Darkling/Kaz standoff. I can now see why no one on the tl is talking about it, lol

This is simultaneously the best and the worst episode yet.

AAAAHHH I was wondering this whole time what was the point of the ring!! Well done, GenyaDavid!


Back to where I started, but this time I will actually understand what's going on đŸ„ł https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385503957796024321?s=20

Having now seen the earlier episodes, I can say with confidence how bizarre and lazy this is. There's been zero indication until this point that this woman ever existed, or that the Darkling had deserted previously.

What was the reason https://twitter.com/NightbloomWitch/status/1385783733396013057?s=20

Out of all the OOC things Leigh has ever made him do, deserting the Ravkan army feels like the worst offense.

Why did anyone think this was better than Demon in the Wood?

Oh, never mind, lol, Genya's poisoning plot still happened, I just skipped this scene last time to get to the good stuff.

Urgh, I gave up on this episode again last night, I'm giving it a third chance but I still hate it.

This business of "Darkling" being a slur and everything, even though he's the most powerful person in the world, reminds me of a Harry Potter essay I read probably

10 years or more ago, which was about how the Slytherins are always depicted as as having a near-chokehold on the power structures in the Wizarding World, but at the same time they have all this minority imagery associated with them (e.g. queer-coding, semitic-coding)

meanwhile the "heroic" Gryffindors, whom we are supposed to cheer as underdogs, have all the imagery typically associated with powerful institutions (e.g. red and gold, the lion crest, signature trait of bravery) which completely undermines the intended effect

and is the reason why so many readers identify with the Slytherins over Gryffindors.

LB wants to have it both ways with the Grisha - they're Othered by the non-Grisha Ravkans and persecuted by the Shu Han and Fjerdans, and the Darkling is isolated even amongst his own

people as the only Shadow Summoner (other than Baghra) and an amplifier, but at the same time we're supposed to see him and his army as evil oppressors because they have taken self-protection too far.

I know I keep harping on this, but I just can't get past it.

I think I could have lived with this new Fold creation story more easily if they had let him show any regret or contrition at all, rather than just "I made something,"[menacing].

I don't think the showrunners appreciate how much I identify with this story of a man who is so ashamed of his past that when he finds someone he wants to love and be loved by,

he tells half-truths and hides who he really is, only to be found out later and thus have it all be ruined.

The coming-of-age hero's journey will always be a classic, but Alina's is being sabotaged by being centered on Mal,

and the Darkling's POV is so much more real and relevant to me personally.

This is why I can't stop thinking about Dark Souls. In DS, The Abyss is basically the Shadow Fold, but (like everything in DS), the creation story of the Abyss is largely open to interpretation of the player.

It's generally recognised that the Abyss was the physical manifestation of Manus' pain and loneliness, which spawned from his body and destroyed/mutated the people of Oolacile during the experiments that they performed on him to try to seize his powers

(very close to the persecution/experimentation on the Grisha). The story of Oolacile is so tragic because, whilst they sealed their own fate because of their cruelty and hunger for power, they were manipulated into doing so by an inscrutable higher power.

It's generally recognised that Manus and the Darkness are NOT evil, but rather that darkness is a vital aspect within all humans, but one that can either let us reach our highest potential OR be hugely destructive depending on our emotional state.

The two stories are very similar, but the presentation makes all the difference. "Prepare to Cry" is a DS meme for a reason, but the tragedy is always effective because DS never pretends there is one pure and good answer to any problem.

We are always shown both (or more) sides, and then we are forced to choose one or the other with what limited information we have, and then suffer the consequences. Either that, or it's just a fight for survival.

As the player and hero of our own story, sometimes we MUST kill a tragic character, so we can carry on saving the world. It's for the greater good.

It's also tonally appropriate because epic tragedy is the genre, and therefore we EXPECT to be made to cry at the end of every questline.

Whereas in S&B, in this episode in particular, the Darkling is shown as Evil and Wrong because he chose to create the

Fold after reaching his breaking point of despair, and the humans transformed into volcra are now nothing but monsters that must be killed.

The emphasis is always put on the Darkling's cruelty for having created the volcra, rather than on the tragedy of the fact that

they are humans whose inner dark potential has run wild, and the heroes' need to kill them for survival, and the question of whether the volcras' humanity could ever be restored (or even, as questioned in DS, whether this is the "true" form of humans after all).

This is one of my favourite scenes. This is what I wish the whole story was like. No heroes and villains, just people, each with their own struggles and ambitions and loyalties and feelings, colliding in such a way that I want each of them to get everything they want

and I can't favour one over the other.

I feel the sting of Genya's betrayal, but I ALSO understand Genya's loyalty to the General, and her frustration when she attempted to warn Alina whilst not being brave enough to say the truth, and her choice to put her mission and

her personal need for "revenge" above her friendship with Alina, AND yes, it's terrible that he "gifted" her to the King, but wars require sacrifices, and it shows that he's SO desperate to protect his people that he goes too far for the greater good...

It's all SO GOOD.

This scene where The Darkling confronts Mal with Mal's own mortality is a huge red flag for me that they still want to go with Alina losing her powers in the ending, but will try to play it as romantic so that she can grow old with Mal.

There's a very similar theme in Yu Yu Hakusho's Dark Tournament arc, where the protagonist Yusuke and his love interest Keiko are paralleled with the antagonist Toguro and his former lover Genkai (who is Yusuke's mentor).

We learn that Toguro was once human, but chose to become a demon because he was afraid of growing old and weak, even though it cost him his love. Yusuke rejects Toguro's argument and says that he wants to grow old WITH Keiko,

and because this is a shonen manga, the power of humanity, teamwork and love wins the day.

(Then, of course, it is revealed that Toguro regretted everything, knew he was wrong, and WANTED to be defeated by Yusuke as punishment for his sins,

thus definitely confirming for the audience that Love > Power was the message).

The story gets more complicated after that and the theme is muddled, because Togashi was required by the editors to keep writing more story arcs,

but that was the initially intended ending for the series.

It troubles me that this episode keeps emphasising the difference between Aleks/Alina (immortal), and mortals, as though if Alina embraces her power she will no longer be human (and that must be a Bad Thing).

I haven't persisted with ACOTAR, but from what I can tell, even SJM managed to get this one right, when Feyre is transformed into a faerie, but still retains her human qualities.

Just going to say again how good this is. LB has always been an edgelord and I think this is the aesthetic she wanted for the series. Language of Thorns has some kind of body horror in most of the stories.


My heart hurts.

This scene is like the one at the beginning of CK, where Matthias looks at the married couple through the window, but 1000x more painful.

please netflix let him live

let me have one thing

This is one of the most outstanding "original" scenes. I was questioning earlier why I was getting so attached to Fedyor (and Ivan). This is why it counts. Another scene with two characters I care about who have conflicting motivations, and I want both of them to succeed.

His mistrust of the Fjerdans is understandable, and he's on a mission from the General. I don't want him to fail and be punished, but of course he can't just let Nina run away and say she disappeared, he thinks she's really in danger!

If he lets her go, she could even become a traitor and give valuable information on the Grisha to the Fjerdans...

I also want FedIvan to survive this series. (Tbh I want everyone to survive in everything these days, there's too much death in fiction and irl).

Society has evolved beyond the need for death tropes.

This show has been horrible to Zoya. It would have been better if they had dropped in her backstory and motivation more than half an hour before it became critical, I imagine at this point non-readers still don't care about her at all (or even remember who she is).

This East-West Ravkan civil war could have been a really interesting improvement, and does at least add some justification for the Darkling destroying Novokribirsk,


I'm just going to say it

Instead of inventing all these new tertiary characters, "General Zlatan" should have been Nikolai. Or at least, Nikolai should have been involved somehow. At all. (Obviously he would have survived, but that would have let him be included in the show AND set up S2).

I really wish the antlers had lasted the whole series. (And I'm not sure why people are complaining so much when they disappeared anyway?)

They'll probably let us have the Darkling disfigured with scars in S2, because Evil, but oooh nooo heroines must remain flawless.

I couldn't get a good shot of Darkles being grabbed by the volcra, but lol, deserved.

The whole punch-up in the Fold (this whole action sequence, really) felt stupid and unnecessary, as if they were just checking action beats off a list.

He has so much Biblical imagery associated with him in KoS/RoW that I wonder whether they did this hand-stab on purpose for stigmata symbolism later on.

A Zoyalina hug?! I didn't expect that, but I will take it!

I really hope this means Zoya will be a main character and not a Mean Girl from the beginning of S2.

I know I complained before about Helnik losing its effectiveness by being told chronologically, but at least they managed to do a nice parallel with their prison scenes.

I'm surprised they kept the "fentomen" (ghosts) from the epilogue, since in the book that was a call-back to malenchki (little ghosts) from the prologue, but the prologue in the show was different and didn't mention ghosts, so it's now a meaningless line.

oh no he's hurt

This is incredibly dramatic and everything, but it's also the absolute worst place to leave me, emotionally.

This is like the end of TFA all over again, where I have to live for over a year with the fear that the sad lonely wizard

will come back "irredeemably evil" in the next installment because the writers don't have compassion for him. I have the worst expectations because of the books, but they changed things about him from the books already, so they might try to make him worse again...

This is a very good parallel shot to finish on, though (turning to face the light at the beginning vs turning to face the darkness at the end).

Look at how much he's suffered since then 😭

Meanwhile, look at Alina's ending...she's stuck in the same place as she started - on a boat, in a field, with Mal. 🙁

This is not poetic; the heroine should not be sent back to the beginning at the 1/3 mark of her journey.

The nichevo'ya are very cute and sexy (obligatory) đŸ„°đŸ–€đŸ–€đŸ–€
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