my love hate relationship with voltron
a 🧵
shiro literally had the worst time as a paladin. he got kidnapped multiple times, was brainwashed for a bit, and was even replaced by a clone of himself all while being sick, which we don’t even learn about till the last two seasons.
i’m all for LGBTQ rep in tv shows but the way they did it in voltron was horrible. we didn’t even know shiro was gay until the last season cause we get like a 5 minute clip of adam, WHOS DEAD BY THE WAY, and then at the end he marries some guy who we don’t even know
and don’t even get me started on klance.
i never shipped it but the fact that the writers were clearly hinting towards some form of a relationship but never did anything with it, didn’t even acknowledge it is just so stupid to me.
and what they did to lance at the end of the show. MF LIVES OUT THE REST OF HIS LIFE TALKING ABOUT HIS DEAD GIRLFRIEND ON A FARM, ARE YOU KIDDING ME. lance was one of the best characters in the show, with the way he was so relatable and incredibly funny,
and they have the audacity to just give him a shitty end like that, not even a happy one like he deserves. HE PREACHES ABOUT ALURA ON A FARM BY HIMSELF
and alura wasn’t even a good character. she constantly pushed the paladins when they clearly needed a break, she hated the galra so much that when keith was revealed to be half galra she was ready to kick him off the team.
i get the galra killed off her race but she has no right to generalize every galra person she sees into being a war hungry murder. the blade of marmora did so much to help the coalition and she treats them like dirt on her shoe.
and about lotor, he could’ve been such a good character with an amazing arc if they didn’t turn him into a backstabbing asshole and make him go mad in the quintessence field. and his whole thing of being a savior to the alteans was such bull crap.
the whole society of alteans that survived was so rushed and random it barely made sense, and it made the timeline so confusing, like how tf did they survive to make a colony if zarkon literally wanted them all dead, how did he not know about them.
the only good arc out of the show had to of been with pidge looking for her brother and dad. it had consistent pacing, was spaced out on the first few seasons which was done greatly and having matt introduced was the best thing the writers could’ve done.
i may be biased cause matt is my favorite character but the holt family reunion and finding eachother across the galaxy was the best thing to come out of that show. and with matt going from a nerdy teenager to a badass who’s working with the revolution was just chefs kiss.
im not gonna get into how much i hate the last two seasons cause this thread is long enough but thank you for coming to my ted talk
also sorry for any spelling mistakes i just really needed to rant about this
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