Just as the prime minister personally negotiated and agreed a Northern Irish protocol he now calls 'ludicrous' he personally hired, and gave a pay rise to, a chief strategist someone who he now says is a maniac

Spot the pattern? https://twitter.com/BethRigby/status/1385362415504830466
In essence: there are few greater critics of whatever Johnson does than Johnson himself when the balance of convenience has tilted

This is why it is a struggle to oppose him politically: pointing out errors is merely to anticipate what he will say next, and to get the credit for
1. Johnson does something wrong

2. It is pointed out he does something wrong

3. Johnson says he did something wrong, often in colourful terms ('ludicrous')

4. Johnson gets political credit, not his opponents

This formidable political tactic is resistant to 'forensic' attacks
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