🚨Right guys, we have a challenge🚨
This “let’s blame Dom” story has probably been timed to push the PPE scandal articles off the front pages. We need everyone to understand what happened in court yesterday against the government.
💙Pls RT this thread.
🤞Can we hit 1000 RTs?🤞
🚨What happened in court yday?🚨
As you know, @EveryDoctorUK and @GoodLawProject are taking the government to court, because they entered into PPE deals with companies who had no experience in supplying PPE. As doctors, we are deeply concerned about the risk...
this placed on NHS staff+patients. We need to get to the bottom of the ‘VIP lane’ where ministers handed out contracts to friends and associates. People with no business supplying medical items. Hundreds of our friends and colleagues died, many with no PPE. These cases are...
so important.

As the cases continue, the government are holding back info. Important info, like names of VIPs who applied for PPE contracts. We need that information in order to hold the government to account. The judge has said today (GOOD NEWS) that these names are...
important to the cases, and that also if a person had a significant decision-making role in awarding these contracts, we can request that information too. We need to be very specific about what we ask for though, so we have our work cut out!

Please donate to...
support EveryDoctor. We’re a non-profit, are Doctor-led, and these cases are taking up a lot of our resource (rightly, they’re very important). You can donate here, thank you! https://actionnetwork.org/fundraising/help-fund-everydoctor
You can follow @JujuliaGrace.
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