Apropos of nothing, if you want to get new readers into comic books, though the tendency is to recommend something you like and then tell them to go buy it, the way to actually get a new reader interested is to figure out what they would like and then buy it for them.
I can't count the number of times I've seen people say "Oh, you definitely need to read Killing Joke or whatever!" but like, not even all superhero fans like that book (including the writer), and there are a lot of people who simply aren't going to like Batman.
If anyone asks me for comic recommendations I don't give them a list of things I like. I need more input. I ask what sorts of movies or books or TV they like first, and then try to aim for something similar.
Oh, you like HBO dramas and sci-fi, maybe Saga. Oh, you like Stranger Things, maybe check out Paper Girls. Oh, you like old school Conan pulp fiction, maybe check out Mignola's Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser. Oh you're into historical fiction, maybe check out Petrograd or Torso.
It helps to be moderately well read, too. Like, if all you ever read are books with tights it's basically like you're a movie fan who only watches Adam Sandler movies. Your list of recommendations will be shallower than you might realize.
Good to read at least a little from other places too. Some French comics, some Manga. There's so much out there and there really is stuff for most people. But making new fans is like turning someone on to film. The list has to be tailored to them.
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