it's been super wild for me to witness capcom's blatant showcasing of how hard they're working to perfect RE4make.

between all the RE4 stuff in RE3make and all of it in RE8, it's almost like both of these games are just demo reels for RE4make itself.
they're trying desperately to build up a lot of good faith in visuals, atmosphere, and mechanics that they'll absolutely be using for RE4make and i don't think i've ever seen a game publisher do something like that before? they really want us to believe they can deliver.
and like, i get it. this is super sacred ground they're treading, far moreso than when they tackled RE2 (and i'm sure even that was harrowing).

and tbh i wouldn't at all be shocked if the very polarized reaction to FF7R didn't scare them a bit.
FF7 and RE4 are two of the most important games to have ever been released. ever. and coming from competing companies, it's in capcom's best interest to "beat" squenix at the remake game. to do what the first 70% of FF7R did, but all the way through.
so that's a very tight rope they're walking. and it's been so interesting to see them release bits and pieces of what will eventually become RE4make in different projects first to get feedback.

it's not dissimilar to an early access approach, and i find it fascinating.
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