#AlevAlev 24. Bölüm #gitme: My Commentary (a thread)

We better fix this #Ömrü separation ASAP because this has been drawn out way too long. Also Ozan better be alive.

( @catolen)
Aaaand Çiçek is being arrested. I still don’t get why Rüya is there, last ep was unclear.

AND WHY IS SHE STILL CARRYING AROUND EVIDENCE WITH HER BARE HANDS? If she can’t decide whether to turn it in, fine (still a crime) but put it in a bad at least! #gitme
I’m still annoyed at what they’ve done with Zeyno’s character. She could’ve been a cool ex that knocked some sense into Ömer when he was making history repeat itself in his relationship. But no. We have to sit through weird pine-y jealousy... such a dated trope #gitme
Ömer: “Thanks to you I understood something”

i’m not even mad at him, it’s the writers. He never should’ve been confused in the first place. He was just afraid of losing Rüya not suddenly back in love with Zeyno.
Ugh #gitme
At least we’re dealing with this now, 3 min in, and not an hour in 🙏🏼 #gitme
“Nothing can come of us, Zeyno”
Yeah, no sh*t?? Why was this even considered a possibility?
This whole plot arc was NOT well written #gitme
Oh yeah I forgot Ömer beat those guys up bc it was so thuggish and OUT OF CHARACTER #gitme
Okay neither of them are their best selves here. Hard Yikes #gitme
Was that shiver supposed to be symbolic of Ömer feeling cold without Rüya? Since he said way back that he doesn’t feel cold/temperature? Okay I guess #gitme
Please let this be the end of Zeyno’s ring story. If they bring it back last minute for her to try and make Rüya jealous... #gitme
Oh good İskender and Hülya, my favs 🙄 #gitme

Also Hülya is so willing to see İskender’s crimes but completely ignore Çelebi’s. Hashtag mother of the year
Lol @ Cemre

That’s it, that’s the show #gitme
Dear god it’s only been 12 minutes... I’m so tired lol (from work/life) this is going to be a long night 😂
I’m glad Rüya is helping Çiçek even though she’s (rightfully) angry. If the show had made her bitter and petty I would’ve been so upset. I just love and want to protect Rüya... #gitme
Oh good, the girls are fighting over isko... such a worthy subject... (pls stop) #gitme
We’re never going to find out details on how/why isko & Rüya were engaged and while it’s not a priority for the time we have left with this series, I wish they’d given us at least a small explanation in early episodes #gitme
YES Rüya, square up with Hülya 👌🏼 #gitme
Okay honestly I hope this story of Bülent’s death works bc I don’t want İskender to save Çiçek by becoming a martyr or something like that #gitme
Okay so the writers just hate Ömer?

Now they’re using him to try and justify İskender to the main squad?

Yeter ya #gitme
I wish Çiçek didn’t bother me so much bc her dynamic with Atlas is so precious #gitme
Go Tomris! “I will not let Atlas grow up up with his mother’s killer”

See, that right there is a healthy boundary lol #gitme
Ugh Serkan

He only shows up when it’s going to be a problem for Ömrü #gitme
Is Ömer going to actually write Rüya a letter instead of read her other people’s? Is this going to be his symbol of growth? #gitme
See I was right about the cold thing #gitme

Aw I miss this early eps
A dream sequence? Really? If that’s what it takes to get Ömer’s character back on track I guess #gitme
I love domestic friend parents OzCem. Just then walking her home and talking about the state of their friends #gitme
Oh good another kiss out in the open, and Çelebi’s having him followed. This won’t end well. #gitme
Okay but the stalker is terrible, how did Ozan not notice? #gitme
Oh goddddd
I knew that Serkan /wanted/ to shoot his shot, but I was hoping he’d never actually do it #gitme
And of course this convo is happening outside of the car by Ömer’s shop #gitme
Lack of communication, my favorite 🙄 #gitme
According to Hülya: İskender, who through Çiçek into a fire, has saved her from Bülent and now Çiçek owes /him/ a favor. K #gitme
So I’m guessing Çiçek is gonna use Atlas (a child) to save İskender and that’s why Tomris kicks her out? Good tbh #gitme
Great, Serkan again #gitme

hashtag gitSerkan
Rüya says she wants to leave tomorrow and we’re only 50 minutes in... what are we going to do with the rest of the episode? I love that it’s packed full of plot, I’m just confused about where it’s going to go #gitme
Court hearing falan falan boring #gitme
I’m glad we finally have an actual Hanım scene! But also pls don’t enable Seher #gitme
Do we really need more amca screen time in this show? (I say no) #gitme
Kinda enjoying seeing Çelebi unravel #gitme
Yo Çiçek you don’t force a child to keep a secret for you

And Atlas was already traumatized into silence by his father before. Come on, let the healing begin for that child #gitme
Cemre 🥺 #gitme
Rüya 🥺 #gitme
Awwww she kept the bobby pin 🥺🥺🥺 #gitme
The whole squad is sad in the club tonight I guess #gitme
Çiçek get out of the road, there is a sidewalk #gitme
God that fricken pill box 🤬 #gitme
Did they not have Güneş on set this week and just wrote the script around her lol #gitme
For day one Seher hanım has been nothing if not... consistent #gitme
It was nice to see the 3 mains under one roof together for a hot second #gitme
So he’s going to save her and then they have a sleep over? Pass #gitme
I’ve said this before but İskender’s weird infatuation with Çiçek makes sense from the angle of her not forgiving him for hurting her (the early eps) why doesn’t work is her growing to have feelings back. I wish they hadn’t made Ali such an ass #gitme
I waste so many tweets on Ç*çder :/
Skip skip skip (but thank goodness we just cut to the morning) #gitme
Wait Hülya said something... self aware?
@ Çelebi “You have prepared this ending for yourself, son” 👏🏼 #gitme
Okay but I always love these mahalle establishing shots with the train behind Ozan’s house #gitme
We love the Yıldırımlar cousins 💕🥺 #gitme
Yes Cemre knock some sense into that boy 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 #gitme
Oh good Adnan is out to do Çelebi’s bidding as a debt for “saving” him (I’m guessing).
Great. #gitme
(and 9 months lol)
This ep has been very Ömrü flashback heavy, but they’ve picked very good scenes to flash back to #gitme
Oh right OzCem are “broken up” ☹️ #gitme
Oh good a convenient traffic accident 😂 (I don’t mind) #gitme
Okay this reunion doesn’t make up for his character’s sh*tty writing, but it was a cute fix for his character detour #gitme
I swear to GOD if Adnan kills Ozan...

We just had that scene where Seher said that she’d already lost 1 son. I’m stressed.

I still have 18 minutes left and I am dreading to see the ending #gitme
Aaaaand let’s skip this Çiçek and İskender scene shall we #gitme
This Altan / Ozan scene is so random and contrived.

Like, what happened to waiting until Cemre was ready? And you’re in a “fight”? Don’t spring a proposal on her now
(I know that this scene is to make what happens next more tragic) 👎🏼 #gitme
Wait wtf #gitme
No one died, he’s lying... right?? #gitme
Also Çelebi is... gone now? What? #gitme
Well the trailer didn’t prepare me for THAT #gitme
So... that’s that I guess.
My only theory as of now is that Adnan struck a deal with Ozan and Çelebi’s lawyer to say Ozan died?
Idk man, I don’t have any closing thoughts.

I guess I’ll just... go to bed then? Idk. That’s all for now folks #gitme
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