I didn't share my thoughts on last week's #FalconAndWinterSoldier so I'm gonna! Now!
The courtroom scene is perfection bc it outlays why John was always the wrong candidate - bc he did what they wanted him too.
Doing what you're told vs doing what is right is a consistent theme in cape books and they used it very well here. The hypocrisy furthered as that same bearded a-hole telling him he was out of order talking abt refugees like trash later.
Cap's arc has always been about the tension of believing in America as a symbol and being realistic about what happens in it - and questioning the ppl that run it. And all of that is in this series.
Some ppl didn't believe that Sam had much to do so far, overshadowed by a big cast. I don't really agree with that but I can understand why. All of that perceived passiveness was so that Sam could have this episode to declare himself.
This is the episode where Sam comes into his own in terms of wielding the shield. And he needed that conversation w Bradley (WHICH WAS A GREAT MFING SEQUENCE CARL LUMBLY FOREVER). We needed all that for the boat and training montages to sing.
We also really needed that exchange between Bucky and Sam, the first time they were really talking as friends. I had mentioned before that Sam never really uses his therapist training with Bucky choosing to needle him instead. So this was nice
We also needed to see that acknowledgement and apology from Bucky. This is the most Bucky he's ever been the whole series. He was able to make actually ammends! He was even able to sleep through the night!
Also Bucky was ABSOLUTELY flirting with Sarah and she deserves it! And I do think it's interesting that Sarah was also Steve's mom's name. And also too I maintain that Bucky will only ever feel comfortable living in Black neighborhoods now.
Speaking of how much Bucky loves Black women, the Dora Milaje. I am so delighted whenever I see them. I don't know how I'm going to handle the Dora series when it come out. THE SERATONIN OF IT ALL.
Someone facing Zemo and not granting him the sweet release of death is an amazing running gag. Also it means that the Thunderbolts (or even a riff on Dark Avengers?) is still a very likely possibility.
Listen, the Countess' appearance? The gag of it all! I very much enjoyed that whole thing. Some I'm assuming she's the Power Broker - she knows everything about everybody so that would explain how Karli knew abt/could call Sam's sister.
Still going with Sharon being undercover for Fury. It just works too well in my mind. And give her more opportunities to be a badass. I hope she pops up in the finale so I can see her fight again.
Based on what I know from the comics & what's set on the table right now, Contessa may be waaay more integral to things than we even think. *cough*SecretInvasion*cough*
I actually really dug the training montage. It's one thing to be able to catch the shield on basic ricochets, it's another to do it while doing all kinds of high-level flippy shit!
ALSO this is an important distinction of intention with Sam training with the shield than in the first episode. Intention in this episode is everything.
I have said "also" a lot in this thread. lol
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