Transphobia at Madhouse Coffee:
let me start this off by SAYING this to all of my trans bbys! DO NOT waste your money on this place, the owner doesn’t care about, or respect you.
I worked here for a YEAR and throughout that year I, as well as many others who worked there were overworked and mistreated by the owner. 60, 70 hour weeks with one or no day off for MONTHS.
In March me ( ASM ) and my GM decided to meet at Madhouse to step down from our positions, so we called the owner together in store to inform him of our decision. Him and his wife were VERBALLY displeased and had asked us to continue our positions for one more month.
We had declined his request, and he grew more and more upset. THE OWNER THEN CAME DOWN TO THE STORE TO VERBALLY SCOLD ME AND THE GM. Screaming in our faces.
The owner continued to scream at my GM, and as I stepped in, he PUT HIS HAND IN MY FACE AND SAID “ You’ll speak when you’re spoken to.”
At this point I was DONE being disrespected, I collected my things and stormed out. On my way out I was informing my other coworkers up front about what was going on. The owner followed me up front to scream “ SIR , YOU NEED TO LEAVE!” in front of a FULL HOUSE of customers.
This wasn’t the first time the owner had gone out of his way to purposefully misgender, or deadname me.
That same night, I waited for the owner to leave and I signed my separation notice. My separation notice had explicitly stated that “ Employee was forced to quit due to transphobia.” The next day when the owner came in and saw the form, he ripped it up and threw it out.
After everything, he had gone out of his way to tell EVERYONE there “ Why should I care about misgendering/ deadnaming HIM? It still says MALE on HIS birth certificate/DL...”
He has no respect for trans ppl, and I seriously urge everyone to take your business literally anywhere else. This is just ONE example of many things the owner has said/done.
Here’s the yelp if you’d like to let the owner know how you feel about his transphobic ass!
NOT TO MENTION he overworked me to the point of hospitalization, and now i’m dealing with medical debt! :-)
Hi @Yelp ! I’d just like to bring to your attention the double standard of removing any 1 star review from Madhouse Coffee on the basis that the review is “not based on customer experience,” yet allowing the owner to have his friends, and employees post fake 5 star reviews?
I’d like to add to this thread the owner’s wife approaching one of my coworkers at the time, who’s also trans, and saying “ There’s no way you’re trans, you’re so good looking! I can’t believe it!” LIKE...
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