Listen, I know it’s not a good use of my time to go scrolling through the Twitter accounts of some of the angry anti-trans people I’ve met tonight, but I saw this tweet and I had to share it because these are the Kids in the Hall.
“Imagine contradicting millions of years of biology by deciding you can just have a cabbage for a head.”
“One moment a head crusher, the next a chicken lady, back to the devil again. Just believe!”
I’m sorry. I feel like I’m punching down a little bit. But these are the Kids in the Hall, man, come on.

If the Kids in the Hall are a reason you’re mad about trans people, then you have one less reason to be mad about trans people. That’s a good first step towards having none!
Good lord, this gender ideology brainwashing conspiracy goes all the way to the top!
Sally, if you’re reading this, you made a mistake. These are five born and identifying male comedians who put on wigs and dresses for laughs.

You have no quarrel with them. And you shouldn’t have any quarrel with any actual trans people.
“Hey, you wanna know something?”
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