Alright I have a character in mind, but instead of "NO PERSONALITY!!1!" people instead base their personality around 1 single thing that kind of defies canon

If you know Ritsu Kageyama, some fans always reduce him down to "haha emo boy" when in reality he always lived in fear +
+ of his brother, Mob, because he had an overwhelming amount of power as seen in the later arcs in the manga

And during the Big Cleanup arc when Ritsu finally gained powers of his own, it was because he also had to carry the guilt of decieving his fellow classmates and blaming +
+ the school thug, which didn't actually do anything, so he indirectly took it out on the mastermind behind the whole thing

And about the "haha emo boy" part, according to his character profile he almost doesn't listen to any music at all lmao

Idk where this thread went but eh
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