Finna live tweet promising young woman
So Dunston from new girl is in this? lmao
Uber driver had the chance to step in — drunk girl in the back, “nice” guy taking advantage. He coulda said something but ...of course not
Ketchup or blood???
Miss Laverne???
Shorty spit in his coffee and he drank it lmao
Did they intentionally choose a white woman who looks older?
McLovin aged like spoilt milk
This movie is a lil too white for my taste
20 min in & I have seen no violence against men...
White woman with a Black trans woman supporting role is so....
They really said “‘revenge’ film but make it NON VIOLENT”
“Feminists are more likely to do anal.”
So, sis is alluding to seeking “vengeance” because her college friend was assaulted (?) she sets up an old college friend who enabled the rape (?) ...and gets her drunk ...and raped ??????

And we’re calling this film feminist?
We’re 45 min in and still no violence against m*n lol
Ok but rapists talking at prestigious schools is so real because my rapist just did a talk at a knock off Ivy League school 🙃
So she (fake) set up another girl (a minor) to get raped.... uhhhhh ok
Uhm is Bo Burnahm like 7 ft tall or what
And she’s forgiving a lawyer (?) who defended rapists ?????????????
Wait and now she’s retiring from setting up men for the “good guy” ??? LMAO wtf patriarchal propaganda
I’m absolutely not okay with them tryna make Bo Burnham sexy and romantic lmaooo he looks like a literal chicken cutlet
Sooooo black mail and “threat of violence” is the only violence so far lmao
Omg is Schmidt the rapist ??? 😭😭
Also not lost on me that this climax scene is her as a stripper. Feels ✨whorephobic✨
Ok but this bachelor party is so unrealistic lmaoooo “I love my fiancé I don’t wanna do anything” GIRL BYE
‘Kill a hooker’ punchline prevails.

In a rape “revenge” film, no less.

How was this film described? “A fresh, totally wild, revenge thriller with bite.”
Not only was there ZERO revenge, SHE DIES????????????????????
Whiteness is fucking wild. They really get funded to create literally whatever the fuck they want and get praised for it.
A review: “Promising Young woman could do for sexual assault what fatal attraction did with cheating: scare men into thinking twice.”

HOW???? They fucking murder her. And there was no real fear or consequence lmaoo what a fucking joke
And this is nominated for MULTIPLE awards.

I almost feel like this is intentional propaganda: attempt revenge, DIE
Fuck you @emeraldfennell
And it ends with police involvement??? An arrest lmao this really is the whitest shit ever
Fuck you @emeraldfennell
In an interview with Vulture, @emeraldfennell says, “I think actual anger, makes me feel ill… and the release of it isn’t pleasurable. It’s frightening.” No wonder her film, advertised as a “cheeky #metoo rape revenge thriller,” was none of those things.
Imma write a revenge film.

And it’s basically gunna be snuff film. Wit a hint of satire.
Right I need to watch that, gone girl or Midsommar to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
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