I was talking about a video where a cop used lethal force where it was justified and needed in order to protect human life with some peers. While I don’t mind having a back and forth, it is incredibly annoying for the same person to repeatedly not change their mindset on how guns
when used properly can help save lives. It was very evident that if no police were there / a taser was used (which are often unreliable when an individual is so hyped up on adrenaline plus them being unreliable anyway), more than one person would have died. Did the person
trying to stab people with a knife end up dying? Yes. Is that sad. Of course. But if you try and tell me that the situation would be any better with multiple dead, a murderer still standing with a deadly weapon, and an officer not able to do anything is somehow better, then you
are mistaken. I understand the ACAB are to some degree I agree with it. It’s stupid if anyone to say racism doesn’t exist in law enforcement. We see it seems like weekly or even more often. It can’t keep happening. But (I know bits are bad), to say every single last person who
is a police officer is bad just seems ludicrous. Wanting to remove weapons from officers could help prevent police killing people no doubt, but how many more civilian lives will be lost as a result. The video that sparked this thread is proof that it’s more than one.
It’s just frustrating that both sides of this thing seem unwilling to admit that they’re both being radical. Yes cops can be racist. Is everyone cop racist, no. Would more training help, yes. Would more training solve everything, no.
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