sitting here trying to make sense of the copyright agreement i signed with a settler disciplinary association when i published in their journal. i want to post the essay (for free) on my substack. why would i publish in a paywalled journal again? when i wasn't paid anyway?
i'm promoted to full prof as of july 1. i might as well publish my own stuff from here on out, unless i'm publishing with good relations, i.e. people/outlets i feel relational responsibilities with. that's really how i operate. why support paywalled settler journals?
especially when i moved out of non-Indigenous disciplines in order to help build our own thing. or at least more our own thing than e.g. anthropology. why continue building their fields? i can support Indigenous Studies journals if i'm not gonna get paid, or build my platforms.
also as i get older, settler prestige gets more and more boring and contrived. not to mention all the other more critical things one can say about it. focusing on "publishing with" as a form of relations has helped me re-focus.
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