#AquariumUpdate Drew a sheepshead minnow to wind down. And I realized one of the things that makes them so cute is that their pectoral fins (the main fins on their sides) are so much lower down on their bodies than on many other fish. So they look like little hands or paws.
They kind of torque those pectoral fins around to hover in place in the water. Realizing that it kind of looks like dog paddling, and it's adorable.
Also realizing I wouldn't have made this observation if I hadn't literally drawn the fish. I like to say that writing is thinking. Don't always know what I think until I write it out. In a similar way, drawing is seeing. Don't always know what I'm seeing until I draw it.
Another thing that makes sheepshead minnows compelling are the black vertical markings that extend above and below their eyes. Gives a bit of a streaky mascara or teary look. I imagine it's to help them blend in among vertical plants. But it evokes a kind of sympathy!
One thing that drawing doesn't quite capture is the kind of bulldog nature of the sheepshead minnow's head and face. Big underbite. Bulge-y eyes. Thick face. Gotta work on that. It's honestly adorable.
These fish are so tiny and so SOLID at the same time. In a funny way, they're just REASSURING to look at. I look at 'em and subconsciously think, "Y'all are gonna be all right," and I feel good about that.
Great quarantine/pandemic fish for me. Thanks, sheepshead minnows. You make things a little better.
Saw another tiny fry in the tank the other day. Wasn't quick enough to net it out. Hope it makes it. Realizing the sheepshead minnows have pretty small mouths. Won't eat molly fry. Not sure if they'd eat their own. We'll see!
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