Can't help but see "Tannerite" is trending on the side, kinda wacky how gender reveal parties have been consistently ramping up in explosives/danger, (and of course still wacky that the people who say to trans people "How can you know youre a different gender" are already saying-
that their unborn kid is going to be male/female, like I thought they were too young to know what their gender is??? So why are you saying they're male/female when later on they could turn out to be female/nonbinary/male? It's a poor argument that I made but its on the same logi-
logic that they use to deny affirmation to trans youth, as such, we should put all kids on puberty blockers until theyre whatever that moving age goalpost is, in roblox.
(that is a joke and I would like to make that clear)
Yeah this thread is poorly thought out lol, I just wanted to say that transphobia and arguments to deny affirmation to trans people are shit and hypocritical, oh and not mentioned but also based solely on feelings.
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