1/8 Someone needs to hear this right now. Especially if you’re new to crypto. No one knows what this market will do. Least of all anonymous online personalities. Crypto is a new asset class and is going through dramatic birth pains. There will be more. But understand that there
2/8 are varying levels of crypto. Some are designed for institutional use, while others are for pure speculation and fun. All want to be taken serious. Not all will be. And there is everything in between. We are moving through the total speculation phase of the market and into a
3/8 utility based consumer and institutional based market. This will change the market. Dramatically. The Wild West days of crypto will come to an end. So position yourself wisely for the future. But have some fun along the way. After all, it is crypto. But temper the get rich
4/8 overnight expectations and play the long game. If it’s shorter, than fantastic. You are here and that means you are an early pioneer of the future. This will change the world. You will help change the world and establish a solid financial foundation for your future and the
5/8 future of those you love. All at the same time. Learn from the tempered ones. The ones who aren’t loud but sure. The ones who have their integrity and credibility on the line. Learn what they offer and think on things for yourself. Remain humble and strong. Not loud and weak.
6/8 Understand the assets and their use case. See the future. The vision. Fools chase gold. Wisdom observes the evolving paths into the future. Walk the right one and you will know riches. For now, sell, hold, trade, dance in the street, or the gutter. The choice is yours. But
7/8 this market is evolving. Becoming. There will be red days and there will be green days. But the long term vision is where the true gold will be found. That true alchemical gold that can only be found within, not without. This journey is not for all and some will never start,
8/8 while others will be lost along the way. This is not decided for you. This choice is yours. Don’t panic and remain vigilant. In control. Wishing you all the best.
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