1/x With an estimated risk of 1 in 1 million people to develop serious complications or dying from the vaccine, it means that if every single adult in the USA would take the vaccine, about 330 people will be in serious trouble. How does it compare to other things?
2/x Ppl struck in the USA by lightning in a 2-yr span: 540
Ppl dying from falling from bed every year: 650. Ppl dying from walking (slipping, tripping or stumbling): 560. Ppl dying in car accidents every year: 36,000
People dying from chocking while eating every year: 5,500
3/x -The odds of dying from Covid in the USA since 3/2020: 1 for every 600 people.
-The odds of dying from Covid if fully vaccinated: Estimated at ZERO, surely less than 1/100,000.
If you have prayed G*d to end the epidemic, He already sent you the solution. It was sent in the form of an effective and largely safe vaccine
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