Despite the pandemic, breweries are still popping up. While there have been some closures, NYS still gained 37 breweries in 2020.
And locally things have been interesting. No major closures to speak of--Scale House in Ithaca seemed to be headed out pre-pandemic and their Hector spot seems to be humming along.

Instead, there appears to be major opportunities for growth still.
. @LuckyHareBrew expanded into a second bay in Press Bay Alley, taking over the vacated Sweet Melissa's spot.

Salt Point moved forward with expansion and while they've been closed up since the new year, they'll be in a great new spot once licensing is finalized.
. @LiquidStateBeer plowed forward with adding their new barrel room...and then went ahead and announced they are adding a satellite location in the old Boathouse Beer Garden space in Romulus.
And in the West End, as far as I know Personal Best Brewing is on track to open this year. 2020 may have been the original plan, but its good to see signs that it may join the ranks still this year.
And finally, can't forget the big boy. Honestly I was worried about @ithacabeer given other financial concerns related to their waste water issues. Not only are they surviving, but the spark is coming back and they are adding a satellite location in the heart of collegetown!
You can follow @ITHbeerguy.
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