OK so I'm (sorta) just beginning a journey to be better human thru therapy & have NOT been diagnosed w/anything but /often/ ask myself Why TF are u like this?? 1/?
I don't know if I've ever heard the term "executive disfunction" but something felt real familiar about what he described 2/? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMexXQ87d/ 
Everyday I fight with myself to do simple things, often putting those things off for days/weeks sometimes longer. "Rewards" are everything I could and should do when that (probably) 15 min task is done. I often reward myself with something that requires little to no activity 3/?
Or otherwise known as being lazy (or escapism). Also FOOD, I often feed myself when I'm not hungry, when I want to reward myself, when I feel sad, when I feel happy/celebrate, etc. & nearly always over eat. Which brings me to his other point in the video of weight gain 4/?
I have struggled with my weight/self image since I was a teenager so unfortunately my "solutions" are "problems". I thought therapy would give me answers (and maybe it will) but we've gotten deep into some other shit which I guess needs more immediate attention 5/?
I have considered I just suffer from general anxiety, which wasn't really a problem until about 10 years ago. But since the pandemic and life in isolation other things have become apparent and I'm like DAMN what is my life. 6/?
End thread (I guess, maybe). 7/7

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