Josh Hawley just handed us a huge gift. We can now use his “no” vote on the hate crimes bill against every Republican candidate in 2022, and win more seats accordingly.

We need to learn to recognize and seize upon these gifts when they arrive, instead of lamenting all day long.
Hawley, and other extremist republicans like him, pull these stunts to try to cement their deranged reputations and fundraise off it. But they also know that these antics harm the rest of the republican field in more reasonable districts and states. They just don’t care.
Hawley knows he’s handing us a huge gift with this kind of thing. But he also figures we probably won’t seize on it, because he sees that 80% of liberal “activism” consists of lamenting and crying about the other side is going to win.
So if you want to spend today whining about how Hawley is “getting away with it all,” then so be it. But when you push that defeatist crap, instead of seizing upon this and using it against the republicans, you’re setting up your own side to lose.
Do you want to whine or do you want to win? You can’t do both. Real activism begins with the premise that you can and will win, then you figure out how to do it.

If you just whine about how the other side is going to win, you’re not an activist. You’re a saboteur and a loser.
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