One of the fastest ways to lose your frame:

"I was only joking"

•if you're dead serious about something it shouldn't matter if she gets offended. Stand your ground, own your words
One of the fastest ways to dry her pussy up

"I wanna smash that LOL 😂"

•guys do this, say some freaky shit then cover it with LOL, she translates it as lack of confidence. And if you aren't confident to sext without hiding with emojies, you're probably a pussy in bed as well
One of the fastest ways to lose her respect

"I'm sorry"

Constantly apologizing & most of the times she's the one in the wrong. That type of situation where she's in the wrong, you raise your points & then she twists it on you & you end up now apologizing
Fellas, you're men. Maintain frame. Be stoic. Express your sexual urges. Don't be ashamed of them. Stop apologizing.
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