1/14 📚"Lawyers for Trump"📚
The Trumpian connections of Pierce Bainbridge & John Pierce continue to intrigue. The firm has $70M debt to lawsuit lenders and all types of issues. Both Rudy Giuliani and Harmeet Dhillon were involved w/ "Lawyers for Trump." Both were tied to PB.
2/14 Ken Paxton has no known ties to PB, but he is highlighted in the screen shot above b/c he pushed election fraud claims, as did Giuliani. In addition, Pierce was on a Board with Lin Wood related to Rittenhouse and Wood is *still* pushing the election fraud narrative.
3/14 As for Harmeet Dhillon, she is a San Francisco lawyer who is a big Trump supporter. Dhillon announced a co-counsel arrangement w/ PB the same day as Marc Mukasey - current lawyer for Trump and Matt Gaetz - said he was representing PB. Mukasey later quit w/ ethics concerns.
4/14 Interestingly, just a little over one month after Mukasey and Dhillon announced alliances w/ PB, and Dhillon called out Google as highlighted in the screen shot above, PB then filed a "$50 Million" lawsuit against Google for Tulsi Gabbard.
5/14 In an interesting twist, just 2 days after Pierce Bainbridge filed the lawsuit against Google for Gabbard, John Pierce threatened his ex-wife, which led to a domestic violence restraining order and Pierce invoked the name "Tulsi" in making his threats.
6/14 The $50 million Google lawsuit was thrown out. PB filed another "$50 million" lawsuit for Tulsi v. Hillary Clinton, it also flopped. All the while, PB was receiving mega millions from a Texas-based, like Ken Paxton, lawsuit lending company called Virage Capital Management.
7/14 It is interesting to note that Virage poured over $60 million in capital in just 1-year into a law firm like Pierce Bainbridge that's won only 1 trial in 4 years w/ a net verdict of $500K, while having many suits like both Gabbard ones tossed w/ $0.00 recovered.
8/14 Pierce Bainbridge also did legal work for Carter Page, George Papadopoulos and a Russian Oligarch named Sergey Grishin. The Oligarch also had a "$50 Million" lawsuit thrown out. Papadopoulos went to jail. A Page suit against the DNC was tossed and is on appeal.
10/14 As for these millions that flowed through PB,
and the firm's $70M debt, to bring it back, Harmeet Dhillon was involved in Trump fundraising and even met him on the tarmac when he went West for a fundraiser in Sept 2019. A photo is w/in this link. https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2019/09/17/trump-california-fundraising/40163893/
13/14 A two-minute video created by Jennifer @sulkess - 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐞? - perhaps helps crystallize issues. Sound up.🔊
14/14 The situation with Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price & Hecht is a peculiar one. Mega millions with basically nothing to show for it. All these Trumpian connections. It is perhaps an enigma wrapped in a mystery. What went on here? Where is the money? https://sunlight-reports.com/gop-ties-and-pierce-bainbridge/
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