The GQP's worst lie is that they're patriots who stand for liberty. Their philosophy has evolved to "I do what i want and you do what I want." Companies cant make them wear a face mask to protect the community, but they can intervene between parents and MDs in care of a child...1
...blocking disinformation spread on a social media platform against the terms of service is an outrageous 1st Amendment violation, but ending the career of a football player silently protesting violence is being a patriot. To them, patriotism is all about songs and flags...
...and words. It has nothing to do with caring about the country, caring about the community. They waive flags screaming about their patriotism while stomping around spreading COVID because they don't give a damn about their fellow Americans. They are the worst kind of citizen...
...with a Bazooka Joe understanding of US history, a complete lack of awareness that the Founders were about rights *and responsibilities to the community.* They sacrifice nothing, but demand everything of others. A lonely child cant be adopted by a gay couple because a GQPr...
...doesnt like it. Why? They make up a bunch of garbage to justify it, which is based solely on their hate. They want to dictate how everyone should live the most private parts of their lives, bowing down to their beliefs, while they refuse to do anything on behalf of others...
...*It wasn't always like this.* The GQPrs are not conservatives, which the GOP used to be. They have no policies other than tax cuts for the rich. They live solely to preen in hate, which is why so much of what they do...
...if performance which they delight in believing upsets liberals. (See: Ben Shapiro of the soft, uncalloused hands making an ass of himself by purchasing a small piece of wood at Home Depot, as if any liberal cares except to use it as an example of the hollowness of the GQP)...
...throughout the course of our history, thereve been destructive Americans, hateful Americans, treasonous Americans, stupid Americans & selfish Americans, cruel Americans. The GQP is the first that are all of those. Theyre the Worst. Americans. Ever.
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