I agree. Anyone who is cavalier about shooting people has a serious problem.

If you are a Christian and have that mindset, then your theological math needs serious work. https://twitter.com/KevinDr_ver/status/1385349918924083202
While I have never shot anyone, I HAVE drawn a firearm a couple times, one of those times was on a COP.

(I was in my home, and I thought it was a break-in at 11PM. The fact that I held fire is why I am here to tell the story.)
If you are a Christian with any regard for human life, just the act of DRAWING a deadly weapon is going to give you some pause.

The prospect of killing someone--even someone who warrants it--is NOT something that one should relish or take lightly in any way.
I have carried a firearm for most of the last 18 years. I have wrestled with the mental and theological implications of what it would mean to use that firearm on someone else.
Yes, I could do it. I will not give a treatise on that in this thread; I have done so before.

But I must concede: I'd be in therapy for a long time if it came to that. No matter how clear-cut the scenario is.
As I often say: JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE IS STILL HOMICIDE. There is ALWAYS a price to pay.

Old Testament Law actually illustrates this principle. Don't believe me? Look it up.
And anyone who argues otherwise, doesn't understand basic theology.

Class dismissed.
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