1/ I’m going to get screamed at for this, but here it goes.

This is about @AndrewYang and the endless criticism he gets on Twitter.

Something I hadn’t really thought about until I married @thefrankwu was the lack of archetypes for Asian leaders in American culture.
2/ Everyone loves @thefrankwu. Even Gamergate loves Frank Wu.

Have you ever though about why he developed an outgoing cheerful personality? Well, a lot of it was growing up in an overwhelmingly white culture in Connecticut.

He’s not the only Asian man that did.
3/ A lot of the professional Asian people I know are extremely serious people. They’ve had to be - that’s an archetype of leadership white people know and recognize.

As @thefrankwu says, he always felt like he could grow up to be Mr. Spock, but never Captain Kirk.
4/ So you have criticisms of @AndrewYang. That’s cool. He’s running for public office and he’s got to have thick skin. Mistakes have been made, unquestionably.

But, is it possible that some of this critique is because Andrew Yang doesn’t fit an archetype we’re comfortable with?
5/ All I’m saying is America does not even come close to letting Asian people show their full range of humanity in the professional sphere. And certainly not in our leaders.

That’s something I think about when I’m reading daily Twitter outrage towards him.
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