Here are 10 “fun facts” (spoiler alert, they’re not fun!) about how historically bad this year has been for LGBTQ people, especially trans kids, in state legislatures.
1: We have more than 250 anti-LGBTQ bills filed in state legislatures this year, which is the most ever - surpassing our record in 2016 - and hey, it’s only April!
2: 15 bad bills passed into law in 2015, which was our worst year in modern memory. So far in 2021, we’ve had 8 anti-LGBTQ bills enacted and we have 10 more on Gov.’s desks. And, there are more (👀 #tnleg & AL) who have really bad bills just a couple votes away from the Gov.
3. So, when we hit 15 anti-LGBTQ bills passed into law, that will be 3 records: most bad bills passed, most bad bills introduced, most anti-transgender bills introduced (by nearly double).
4. It would also mean that more anti-LGBTQ bills will have passed this year than in the last three years combined (anti-LGBTQ bills enacted in previous years include 2 bills in 2018, 7 bills in 2019, and 4 bills in 2020).
5. Here are our eight brand new anti-LGBTQ laws so far this year:
- 3 anti-trans sports bans in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee
- 1 anti-trans medical care ban bill in Arkansas
- 4 religious refusals bills, including in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Arkansas x2
6. Here are the ten anti-LGBTQ bills on/about to be on Gov’s desks:

a. 4 bills that would ban transgender students from participating in sports - AL HB 391, KS SB 55 (vetoed since I first drafted this tweet, woot!), MT HB 112, and WV HB 3293
6.b. 2 bills that would forbid discussion of LGBTQ people, or sexuality or gender generally, in the classroom — in classes ranging from sex education to literature to history - AR SB 389, TN HB 529
c. 1 religious refusal bill, known as a RFRA — MT SB 215
6.d.& e. 1 bill making it harder to update a person’s birth certificate is in final procedural steps as it heads to the Montana governor’s desk (SB 280), as is 1 bill that could limit youth access to curriculum about LGBTQ people and events (SB 99)
6.f. 1 bill that would prohibit transgender students from using the school restroom or locker room consistent with their gender identity (HB 1233/SB 1367) is on its way to the governor’s desk in Tennessee #tnleg
7. We have also had 5 vetoes - sports ban in SD (followed by EOs to similar effect), AZ of an anti-LGBTQ curriculum bill, KS sports bill (yay!, just this afternoon) and one in ND of the sports ban - override could happen tonight. There was a veto override of AR medical care ban
8. Of the 250+ anti-LGBTQ bills that have been introed this year, 35+ would prohibit trans youth from being able to access gender-affirming medical care, 66+ bills that would prohibit trans youth (and college students) from participating in sports consistent w/gender identity…
9 … 15+, including a retro student bathroom bill & an outrageous “business bathroom bill” in TN, would prohibit trans people from having correct access to restrooms or locker rooms. And 43+ would allow people to assert a religious belief as a justification to discriminate.
10. So: this year is historic. Everyone is exhausted from the incredible toll that the last year+ has taken and facing the reality of these horrific laws is a lot. 3 vetoes in the last 24 hrs means people are hearing how bad these are. Keep fighting, y’all. Keep being you ♥️
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