This morning a long-term resident with no history of seizures or violence, did both. Seconds after 1cc shot of cocaine, according to g/f, he began to seize. Staff responded to her cries for help & called 911 for an ambulance. When in room saw him seizing between bed & wall &../2
attempted to assist & he stopped seizing & became violent, assaulting staff and barricading himself in room with g/f. Fearful for g/f safety, staff called 911, again. VPD arrived and attempted to talk him out of room. He opened door & bear maced VPD then 1-3 more cans of bear../3
mace. Staff started to evacuate building as mace is brutal. Tenant on 3rd floor, also high, went out window instead of down stairs with staff. Landed on sidewalk beside VPD officer who apparently tried to catch her. She is in hospital. Man who started this was eventually shot../4
with rubber bullets and arrested. Restoration company scrubbing air in building as mace lingers, & hurts. Manager left young kids at home to make her way to the building at 6 a.m. Same manager watched as man fatally struck by a semi on Cordova earlier this week, on cheque day../5
Just another week of chaos and tragedy in the #DTES. Nonprofits, and residents who are poor and struggling themselves, expected to fix this/keep it out of sight & out of mind. Compassion & common sense is a systems response. #EndProhibition #SafeSupply #FailedDrugPolicy
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