Unpopular observation.

Scorpio isn’t the darkest sign.

Aquarius definitely is.

Uranus which rules Aquarius is exalted in Scorpio. So In aquas most highest form; it’s here to trigger society.
Saturn in Aquarius birthed COVID for goodness sakes.

Had us in a fear that was beyond our humane understanding.

Hip hop in Vedic is an Aquarius ASC. considered one of the most dangerous forms of artistry. Many times have been scrutinized but is a honest awareness of society.
Ive done sessions with countless of Aquarius energies that have experienced deep losses.

And each lost is within realms of transformation for them. Where it forces them to lose self expression.

Especially self expression that conforms to society and their norms.
Aquas have a logic that comes from pain.

When evolved they understand pain becomes depth. Depth that must be used to channel its ambitions.

That loss is usually mental baggage’s that stops you from making more progressive decisions.
As we sit in this Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius

We have collectively given up certain concepts. We will never go back to what it was once.

We’ve gone through a identity crisis as a society. We’ve in deep experimentation mode.

Which is good&bad. Since life is about duality
Even with Uranus being in its fall.

Since 2018 we’ve watch our foundations come crumbling down.

Every industry was hit.

The sensations within the collective were asked to unpack.

It was asked to distribute the funds more effectively
The good news is that we have the Uranus in Scorpio/ Pluto in Libra generation

The next group of people in power will definitely be more interactive.

Both placements birthed change within society and resources.

TO pluto in Libra starting the EEO act.
To Uranus in Scorpio opening up dynamics for us to allocate resources efficiently.

Even if it means taking from the rich and giving to the poor.

The idea is to stay progressive.

Stay in power
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