Wynne told voters she wasn't an option for Premier, the most a party leader could give in. A handful of advisors who believed in her leadership decided to issue an anti-union ad in a hail-Mary pass designed to keep Ford's sure-thing victory to a minority and not a majority. https://twitter.com/addarioandrea/status/1385224675458957314
Wynne could not abandon the volunteers who devoted years to her leadership or that entire campaign. But she didn't play until the end. She said someone else will be Premier, vote for the best legislature you can. It was unheard of in politics and selfless.
The union ad was garbage and wrong. And it was not strategically effective. But I saw the polling. Horwath had plateaued all on her own well over a week before election day and wasn't going to beat Ford. Instead of attacking him, she attacked Wynne. And both women lost.
Blaming Liberals for voting Liberal will always be stupid. So will blaming the NDP for voting NDP. Vote however you want, it's your vote. But keep your eyes trained on the actual target - a party and a premier that don't believe in government at all. That's Doug and the PCs.
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