Thread. #SVRussiaEpstein

I don't know how Xeni knows Esther introduced Epstein to Putin.

I do know Esther is on Yandex's Board. Would the Kremlin/mob state care about that?

Links below re: Yandex fighting web regs v child sex assault material+being Net onramp for it.

Yandex link 1 (from another thread of mine)


Yandex link 2 (from another thread of mine)


Like Xeni, I'm from the old web days and had friends, colleagues and mentors strewn amongst the the network in the Epstein story.

I didn't go to the Digerati dinners but I knew and worked with people who did.

I wanted to in those days. This has been a real lesson to me.

Like @Xeni I continue to follow and write about this story because I also have some personal experience and knowledge that can inform what I see.

I also do it, like @Xeni @bryancampen @dearsarah @kerikukral because there are so many things we see that are troubling, or...

make no sense. I want to know what the hell all this is.

I want the survivors to feel witnessed.

I don't have conclusions or like conspiracy theories. I'm repulsed, but not surprised, by the anti-Semitism in lots of social media talk about the Epstein story.
I want accountability in Silicon Valley.

I want the business that make the tools and the social space and transmit the ethics (or lack of them) so much of the world uses now to have accountability.

I want rape culture to end.

I don't think Epstein created these things.
He scaled.

And what do the guys of Silicon Valley love more than scale?

Please also read this thread from Bryan Campen about the people we were around and how little they are saying.

Few people have stood up and criticized Edge network or John Brockman who ran it.


What does it mean that there's nothing seen to be wrong about having your money invested in a company Joi Ito invested in and possibly put Epstein's money in?

What does it mean that there's risk in criticizing Edge network or John Brockman or anyone who stays w either?

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