Friends, next week one of the most dangerous anti-abortion bills in the country will be voted on in the TX House. HB 1515 bans abortion at 6 wks (before most women even know they're pregnant) and creates a private cause of action against ANYONE who helps someone get an abortion.
This means medical providers, family members, friends or anyone who helps a person get an abortion after 6 WEEKS(!!!) could be sued
This could literally be interpreted to mean that you could be sued if you send a text telling a friend where to seek an abortion or if you drive a friend to a clinic, etc
There IS NO EXCEPTION FOR RAPE OR INCEST. And ANYONE can file suit against women who seek post 6 week abortions as a private cause of action
This and other bills in TX and elsewhere are part of a national strategy to try to end or even more severely curtail the rights provided under Roe v. Wade.
It is imperative that we make our voices heard by calling the TX House speaker to tell him you do NOT support HB1515 to stop it from moving forward at 512-463-1000. You won't even need to talk for 13 hours! Just say a few words about why this bill is bad for TX. #txlege
You can follow @wendydavis.
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