In 2019,I stayed in a mental health facility for a while. You see I've battled clinical depression for over a decade. What broke my heart was for all the 13 years I've worked I've been paying fees, medical bills, food, rent for folk whose
only concern when I got hospitalised was

"you can't M-PESA?"

Even while abroad,my scholarship went into "responsibilities"
I didn't own even a decent suitcase, but I worked very hard.

1)I blocked every number of the texts asking for bills for 4 months
2) When they'd find other numbers to call, I made it clear in very brutal terms I'll not be taking care of children of working able bodied people. A close relative with 4 working kids told me she'd kill herself. I told her I'd burry my parents too, so it won't be a new thing
3) I give a % of my salary to charity (I'm an orphan,people gave me too)
I stick to that amount per month
4) I give sustainable "reprieve" with a timeline

People can need rent, healthcare, food etc for a while so they can get their footing. Whole of this year, I've given out all my consultancies, help said person deliver
Then I work with u to budget that cash then you're on your own
5)I judge each case to determine it really needs my attention. In most cases, for my relatives, they don't need my attention.
6) I've put my money to MY creative businesses, things that make ME happy and more money. These days I'm not working 18 hour days to pay fees for people who have just refused to apply themselves in fending for themselves
7) I sought therapy
You need therapy to slowly pull out of these things
8) I've developed my inner psychopath to see them psychopaths from a faaaar
When you're an empath like me, you feel people's & animals' pain in every nerve in your body. This spiritual gift can make you a target of abuse
There are 2 days I disappear. It's for sharpening that gift
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