A lot of people are making fun of Adam McKay's reference to his TV show being set in "the same universe… that same world" as Parasite, given the "world" Parasite is set in is "class-stratified capitalism" or "South Korea", but I am delighted by this (1/3) https://twitter.com/IndieWire/status/1385291057622142976
I think it would be great to think about realistic fictional stories as taking place in a "world" defined by the implicit ideology of the creators' worldview. By this way of looking at things, socialist realism is a "cinematic universe". Ideologies are franchises. (2/3)
This approach lets us distance, and consider the problems of "is this story honest, given the world it is set in?" and "is the world of this fiction our own, or tweaked for ideological convenience?" separately. McKay is speaking nonsense here but maybe it is useful nonsense (3/3)
Problems left to reader
- What is the implicit ideology of Parasite? No, never mind that you agree with that ideology, ask yourself the question anyway. What are the premises of Parasite that make the events of the film possible? It's useful to know what your own premises are.
- What "World" is Death Wish (1974) set in? Is all crime drama accidentally set in a shared "conservative realist" universe where 70s crime was exaggerated, the 90s crime drop didn't happen, crime is motivated by psychopathy, & police abuses are justified by facts on the ground?
Also possibly all court decisions in which sentencing is guided by the Revised Hare Psychopathy test ( https://www.npr.org/2011/05/26/136619689/can-a-test-really-tell-whos-a-psychopath ) https://twitter.com/StochasticOoze/status/1385323491226832899
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